Please note that I fully agree with going to the original
source whenever possible.

However, if you have 6 books, all published in, say 1884 +/-
3 years, how do you determine which if any WAS the original

As in: Clara Aardvark married in 1804 Elias Batterbum; their
daughter Inez married Clem Kadiddlehopper and their son
Sanford married Paula Retry.

This series is repeated in an Aardvark family history, in a
family history done by Elias' mother's brother, in a Retry
family history, and in one done by Clara's mother's uncle.
Clearly these authors had equal access to word-of-mouth and
probably knew all the parties named.  So /which/ can you
cite as the original?

Easier to put all of 'em in as a source at least until you
can find the documents that confirm/refute something.


Jackie King wrote:
> I understand how it works in theory - but since I find most
> of my multiple sources all actually cite the same source
> (say 18 books that cite the same original source), I find i
> use this very little since I prefer to go back to the
> original source - and hopefully later be able to obtain the
> documentation for myself.
> There may be times it is useful... I just haven't found it.
> On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Larry Lee
> < <>> wrote:
>     CE,
>     I am glad to know there is someone who uses this option
>     and I understand it theoretically but am having trouble
>     understanding how this works in reality.
>     Could you provide a simple example of how you have 5 or
>     more sources at the same time for any given piece of
>     information? I really am struggling to grasp this.
>     Maybe it would be something I could use if I knew how.
>     Larry Lee
> <>
>     On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 4:42 PM, CE WOOD
>     < <>> wrote:
>         It is SO wonderful to have the multiple source
>         option  back! I have SCADS of times when I have
>         found sources that document an event and have been
>         SO frustrated at having to enter each source
>         separately since Legacy removed the ability to apply
>         multiple sources at the same time. Too many times,
>         I have had to expend inordinate amounts of time and
>         effort entering five (and even more) sources to an
>         event for dozens of individuals!
>         When you have multiple source that confirm an event,
>         it is imperative to have the ability to enter all
>         the sources at one time. Hours of effort and
>         frustration saved.
>         I am SO VERY glad Legacy has restored this much
>         needed function!!!!!!!!!
>         CE
>          > From:
>         <>
>          > To:
>          > Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
>          > Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 10:03:44 -0500
>          >
>          > Thank you for explaining this because I was
>         confused about applying five sources at once. I've
>         never used this nor do I think I ever will. I do
>         save some clipboard items then apply each of them as
>         needed then delete them. This sounds like a feature
>         that should have stayed gone. It sounds like an
>         accident waiting to happen when someone
>         inadvertently goes to apply what they think is one
>         source then applies up to five.
>          >
>          > Bill Boswell
>          >
>          > -----Original Message-----
>          > From: Wendy Howard [
>         <>]
>          > Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 3:46 AM
>          > To:
>          > Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Clipboards 1 to 5
>          >
>          > Hi Kathy,
>          >
>          > I've never had five sources that I wanted to
>         apply all at the same time to the same items of data!
>          >
>          > But assuming you did, you'd want to go into
>         Customise > Sources and set
>          > 7.5 Clipboard capacity to "Allow up to five
>         sources at once on the Source Clipboard".
>          >
>          > Then when you open the Source Clipboard, you will
>         see "Source 1", "Source 2", etc. Set up the first
>         source, then click on "Source 2" and set up the
>         second one, and so on.
>          >
>          > When you've set up as many sources (up to five)
>         as you need, you can then apply those sources to any
>         item of data you enter into your database. You can
>         only apply all the set-up sources together, you
>         can't pick and choose which one you'll use.
>          >
>          > Personally, I've not yet come across any
>         situation where I'd find this useful - but I'm sure
>         that day will come. When this option was removed a
>         while back there were apparently many complaints, so
>         it has been reinstated.
>          >
>          > If you don't want to see the five source tabs in
>         the Source Clipboard, go to 7.5 Clipboard capacity
>         and select "Only allow one source on the Source
>         Clipboard" - that's the option I have selected for
>         now, until such time as I find a need to apply more
>         than one source at a time.
>          >
>          > Hope this helps. :-)
>          >
>          > Wendy

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