On Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 12:28:27 AM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> From my reading, he immediately numbered it. Then he added links to other 
> likely zettels.  And then he got into the writing.  He didn't write these 
> slips quickly, but only after mulling over temporary notes he had taken 
> previously.  Maybe temporary notes are really what you have in mind here.  
> My own notion for that is to have a top-level node, maybe outside the 
> zettelkasten top-level node but in the same leo file.  These temporary 
> notes would all go there.

I think something like that is exactly what I need.  Luhmann didn't capture 
his ephemeral note with a computer.  I expect it went in the wastebasket 
after he gave it careful consideration and wrote a well-thought out zettel 
from it.  What I want to do is really just a tweak on that. I want to 
capture the ephemeral note, the spontaneous thought, on a blank slip with 
no title. Then after I chase that thought and write it well enough for the 
moment, I'll place it in the system by entering headings, tags, keywords, 
links, pointers.  Or, I don't even have to do that until another time.

I think a 'slush file', a file even of untitled slips is probably the 
solution for my crazy thought process. That way I'm not constrained in any 
way, except that at some point I have to complete the task of headings, 
titles, tags, keywords, links, pointers. I do like the idea of the first 
line being the default title if I don't enter a title myself.  

> We could even have the hot-key put the new node into the temporary notes 
> section, if that's what you want.  From a programming point of view, there 
> would have to be a node with a fixed name, like "temporary notes".  
> Otherwise the command behind the hot key wouldn't know where to put the new 
> node.  If you don't want that, it would just create the new node right 
> where you are in the ZK, and you could move it yourself.  We already just 
> about have that, with <CTRL>-I.

I think that's the solution for my use case. If, for example, as in The 
Archive, Command-N (no matter where I am at the moment) creates a new 
zettel, in the 'temporary notes' node, plants the id, and the 'created' 
timestamp, and shifts focus to the body, then I have a distraction-free way 
to immediately capture a new thought bubble. This will cleanly initiate the 
process of thought capture.  I might want a 'back button' to take me back 
where I was before this event, but that's another matter for another day.

Then I have the process of entering all the 'hooks' (headings, tags, title, 
keywords, links, pointers, references, each of which is a different type, a 
different hook for searches), but I can do that whenever I 'get a round 
tuit'.  That too is a process of creative thinking, but a very different 
one from the spontaneous process of capturing the bubbles.  And it is an 
enormous relief, believe me, to separate these two creative processes, each 
of which is an adventure in its own right, but each of which can interfere 
with the other if you try to do them both at once. At least that's the way 
my crazy mind works. 

No, not necessarily.  This kind of back-and-forth is needed to home in on 
> how the thing should work. Well, there's going to be a limit to how much 
> time someone is willing to spend on a feature that you want one way but 
> they don't think it should work that way.  As long as we are figuring that 
> out together, to come up with features that could be fairly general, it's 
> all good.

Thanks, I'll try to keep enunciating my wild ideas about how it should 
work, and you keep doing only what you have space and energy to do.  I get 
that.  Likely none of us will ever see our ideal vision play out.  But that 
won't keep us from wishing.

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