On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 17:07:19 -0800, Lowell C. Savage

> > So you really beleive he would have signed it had it reached his desk?
> >  If yes, then i apologize for misinterpretting your comments.
> Yes.  Even without his explicit promise to do so.  After all, you can't name
> the bill he's vetoed.

So if you truly beleive he would have signed the bill, then how do you
not consider his oath of office not a lie.  Are you suggesting that he
does not beleive that such a law is a violation of the 2nd amendment?
> > > (2) You raised the "Bush lies" as part of a statement about his track
> > > record.  Usually that means you are referring to "lies" other than any
> > > involving the topic at hand.
> >
> > His lies have been pretty well documented in the news, but the most
> > important one is often ignored...
> >
> > > So.  I ask again.  What lies has Bush told?
> >
> > The most important was the first sentance he said while taking office.
> >
> > "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of
> > President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability,
> > preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."
> Yeah, yeah, whatever.  On that score, Badnarik would have become a liar the
> moment he took the oath, too.

What was he planning to do that you think is unconstitutional?

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