On Sat, 4 Dec 2004 00:08:49 -0800, Lowell C. Savage
> Was he going to enforce all gun control laws?  If not, then he would be
> unconstitutional because the Supreme court has (explicitly or implicitly
> said they are consititutional) so he would be NOT executing the laws of the
> US.  Part of the constitution IS the separation of powers, would you not
> agree?  Or, was he going to enforce them?  Then he's in the same boat you
> put Bush.

It is not unconsitutional for him not to enforce laws.

> Was he going to enforce ITAR and other export regulations that restrict the
> export of sensitive military information, weapons, and tools?  If so, he's
> in violation of the constitutional provision that says no duty or tax on any
> export from any state.

Unfamiliar with ITAR.
> Was he going to declare that the 16th Amendment was not validly passed and
> that all later Amendments should be renumbered by reducing the number by
> one?

No.  I beleive he was planning on making clear that he was going to
pardon of any income tax crimes.

> The point is that whatever a President does, someone is going to call him a
> liar for "not enforcing the constitution" if they use your criteria.

> In other words, the charge is bogus in the extreme.

Just because other people would claim that he is a liar no matter what
he did, does not mean that all people claiming he is a liar are wrong.

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