Whoa Nellie.. Hello Shadow.. 

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 00:04:08 PST, shadow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On 14-Feb-05, Lowell C. Savage wrote:
> s>>> In a Libertarian world, your neighbors wouldn't be making meth next
> s>>> door - Eli Lilly and Company would, ...
> c>> Isn't this like the biggest assumption one could make? Seriously.. Why
> c>> would a "Libertarian" world not have the same criminal element that now
> c>> exist in our world....
> LCS> Actually, there is considerable precedent for this "assumption."  The
> LCS> history books call it "Prohibition."...
>And before 1934 (?), morphine, heroin, and cocaine were available at your
>local pharmacy, no prescription needed. Drug abuse was a minor problem in
>those days.

Says who??? Just because it wasn't documented, or maybe it was. But
before I see such statements, I would really like to see some numbers.
I would think it was difficult. Many, many people were addicted to
Labdanum and opiates.  Pot was a felony, while these drugs were at the
same time misdemeanors.. Does that make it right? No. Does the fact
that people might use drugs less... Considering we aren't even living
anywhere the world those people lived in 1934. I recall my kids saying
until I thought I would blow chunks, "Moooom.. It's the 90s!" Proving
there was no way I could understand their world.

We were soon to get ourselves in one of the biggest wars of our
history. D-Day was right around the corner. Millions of Jews were
being killed in concentration camps while we just sat back and did
nothing because it wasn't our problem, we need not get involved. That
would fall under the ZAP philosophy wouldn't it. I think we should
feel shame that we didn't get our butts over to Germany a lot sooner
and kick Hitler's butt long before he managed the damage he did.

Thus, my point, the argument about drug usage, poorly documented, in
the 1930's is really irrelevant to drug usage of the new millennium
where many of our children honesty can't see a future. We don't have
patriotism in our country anymore. No more pledge of Allegiance as we
might just offend someone who is color blind and can't see the color
red or some other B.S. Our children are told that prayer before they
eat lunch is EVIL and not allowed.  Think of what our children are
being taught compared to even what I was taught. I don't know your
age, but I'm assuming you too can see the difference.

Personally, I think we all should be proud of our flag, give it the
respect it deserves, whether people agree with the government or not.
The flag represents to me, that we have the right to say NO to those
who try to oppress us.. And even the government. Our allegiance is to
our countrymen and our home soil and to back our soldiers wherever
they should be. I think anyone should be allowed to pray whenever they
want. If someone wants to kneel and pray to Allah, let them leave the
room as not to be disruptive and have a quiet place to pray. They are
eliminating chapels from some hospitals.. Hello!!?? Atheists just
don't need to go in that room. It's kind of like the bathroom, if you
don't have any reason to use it, you pretty much pass that room by.

Sorry for being so wordy. I have a passion for some things and I tend
to use more words than necessary at times.

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