Good evening again, Conster!

And, welcome back!

Conster wrote, in part, to Jay P. Hailey...

You previously wrote to Jay:
> >>plus selling to the youngest people they can find, thus allowing
> >> people under age to become adults of age,

To which, Jay replied:
> >If some one wants to buy Meth why is that any skin off my nose?

And, you returned:
> What if it's your kid or your grand kid? To hell with them? Just let
> them ruin your kids life? What the heck, we aren't here to protect our
> underage children are we?

Let me confess, up front, I'm not sure what "ZAP" indicates in
the subject line.  I did however, read the the last two or three
posts between you and Jay on an issue with profound implications.

First let me just say, the Libertarian Party neither supports nor
discourages the use, sale or distribution of [harmful] or any
drugs such as Meth.  What people choose to purchase for
themselves, and what people choose to make available on an
otherwise free market, is entirely their choice to make.

Everyone has choices to make over such things as what they choose
to consume, purchase, or sell.  There are also responsibilities,
and more than that, there are always consequences to the choices
in which we make as free individuals.  Some of these choices will
obviously be very bad ones, and the consequences will accordingly
be rather severe, or, in some cases, even lethal.  I guess I can
best summarize that by simply saying that EVERY choice each and
everyone of us makes everyday, has personal consequences. And,
each and every one of us, are entirely responsible for the
consequences of the 'bad' or 'good' choices we choose to make in
our lives.

The idea here is to promote the realization that individuals
ought to make the best possible personal choices for themselves,
their families and over their private property, and such choices
are entirely their own. The consequences for such choices are
entirely their own too.

To put this another way, the Libertarian Party believes that the
use of government force to protect people from themselves is
morally wrong and unacceptable. It is a humangeous misuse and
abuse of power, and a huge miscarriage of government power. Most
of all, such edicts deprive individuals of their most fundamental
rights over their own lives, their families, and their enjoyment,
use and control, over their own private property.

Connie, now you raise the interesting spectre of children and
grandchildren. I appreciate that, I really do.

Now the question arises, as it surely must:  Who ought to be the
foundation for the raising of our children, and grandchildren? 
The government?

God have mercy!  I sure don't want any government to be my
children's and grandchildren's foundation of moral values and
lifestyle choices!  Such values ought not to arise from political
force, but from parental control.  To do that, parents must have
more power and control over their own families, and government
should mostly stay completely away from that as a moral duty to
protecting and defending our rights, not taking them away.  Keep
in mind here that 'government' is nothing more than pure power,
and such power without restraint is dangerous and inherently

Connie, there are several alternatives to the use of government
force for ensuring that your children and grandchildren are safe,
or at least much safer than under the current status quo. 
Libertarians also believe:

1. Education ought to be totally under the control of parents and
family decisions, and that a 'separation of government and
schools' are ultimately necessary for education America's youth.

2. We believe individuals ought to be free to make personal
contracts and obligations with other individuals of like mind, to
educate our children, and teach moral and family values, and
government shouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with any of

3. Churches, Pastors, civil and business leaders, anyone and
everyone, ought to be in the forefront for promoting honest
values within community settings, and not government bureaucrats
and flunkies.  You might be surprised at just how many volunteers
are really out there and willing to do a lot of great things that
the government cannot or will not by law, ever do to improve the
environment our kids live in these days!

Because of bandwidth and time, I'm leaving a lot more of this out
here. Jay may have come across to you a bit rude as if it didn't
matter to him. But you got to know, there are a lot of us who are
members of churches and other civic groups, including private
schools and other educational endeavours, who are working hard to
help individuals find ways of making difficult choices.

I suspect you might really be surprised at the sheer number of
people who really do care about the things you mentioned here
tonight. Libertarians are NEVER opposed to any of that, in fact,
you'll probably find, that most of us fully support private
alternatives to the current status quo on every issue you just
raised moments ago.

A couple of days ago the Boundary County (Idaho) Property Owner's
Association had a meeting.  This is NOT a government group.  It
is a private association of county property owners.  We invited
and received the 'other side', a group dedicated to growing the
county government over our lives and choices.  We discussed
together the mess in our public schools. 

This meeting was not hostile.  Both sides seemed to want the best
for our children in THIS community.  If you can brace yourself a
moment, and imagine this, indulge me for a time:  I spoke on
behalf of privatization in education in this county.  I spoke of
the benefits of electing public legislators who would support
this concept of education, in that public education was miserably
failing, and must be forced to compete in the arena of education
with all other choices that PARENTS and FAMILIES chose to make,
including: public education as it exists today, Charter Schools,
Private Schools, and Home Schooling.

In this collective meeting between the Property Owner's
Association, and the Public School minded government advocate
lobby, no one, and I mean 'no one' challenged me on this concept.

Both sides seemed to agree that Parent and Families ought to make
the final decisions based upon specifically what is best for

Here in America, it took us a long time to reach the stench of
Meth Labs and the loss of at least two generations of American
children.  Nothing is going to change in the next 24 hours, or
the next few weeks or months. However, in the long run, the best
way to tackle such problems is for community leaders, individual
people and families, to get together and make decisions, choices,
and make mutual commitments and compacts that meet their own
needs, and without resorting to government force, cohersion and

So Connie, I am not, and would not suggest, that your issues here
are not real, or imagined.  They are real.  I could obviously go
one much further here and suggest that the government has
exacerbated our current problems and make them a lot, lot worse
that they would have been otherwise if the government had never
become involved in them in the first place.

You mentioned to me a few moments ago, in another post, if you
needed to be 100 percent Libertarian to post here.  I think you
might find, that my post tonight will answer your question. 
There will likely be other "Libertarians" that might even largely
disagree with what *I* just wrote!

Stay tuned.

Kindest regards,

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