On 15-Feb-05, Conster wrote:

 s>>>> In a Libertarian world, your neighbors wouldn't be making meth next
 s>>>> door - Eli Lilly and Company would, in a proper chemical plant, and
 s>>>> its products would be available at 7-11 and Circle K, cheaper and
 s>>>> cleaner than your neighbors could make.

 C>>> Isn't this like the biggest assumption one could make? Seriously.. Why
 C>>> would a "Libertarian" world not have the same criminal element that
 C>>> now exist in our world.  We aren't talking about heaven here, we are
 C>>> talking about the same world with a different political party.  To
 C>>> believe that every thing would be wonderful and it would be like
 C>>> "We're not in Kansas anymore Toto." isn't realistic at all.

 LCS>> Actually, there is considerable precedent for this "assumption."  The
 LCS>> history books call it "Prohibition."...

 C> Don't you think Organized Crime would still raise it's vile head in a
 C> situation where they could legally made loads of drugs and control the
 C> market? I don't see why they wouldn't just because it was legalized....

They'd have to compete against the big established pharmaceutical houses with
big established production facilities and big established marketing machines
in a product that those giants have been producing for decades for pennies a
tablet. Wouldn't it make more sense for organized crime to compete with a
higher-priced product such as Viagra? (I know that wouldn't be legal because
it's patented, which is one reason the price is so high.)

We don't see organized crime producing cigarettes or booze. Its involvement
is mostly in distribution, and it's profitable only because the taxes on
these products are so high.

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