On Mon, 5 Sep 2005 00:38:46 -0600, "Lowell C. Savage"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>Everyone wants to know: why did it take so long?  Where are the feds?  Where
>is the vaunted US military?  Why can't we get water, food, and medicines to
>the dying?  Here's the answer, in about as short a statement as possible:
>"Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has yet to declare a state of emergency and
>refuses to cede authority over rescue efforts to the federal government."

First of all, a president cannot declare a state of emergency in a
state without the resquest of that state. Such a request was made:


Bush promptly declared a state of emergency, and did so -before- the
storm made landfall:


More recently, the governor of Louisiana and federal agencies have
coordinated their support efforts:


IOW, your news source is bogus.

>So, the feds have the manpower, the organizational power, the equipment, the
>know-how, the supplies, the transportation, the knowledge of the full scope
>of the disaster and probably the best handle on what needs to be done and
>how to do it.  But!  Because a Podunk Dem governor has the power to do so,
>she is going to let people DIE so that she gets to stay "in charge."  Or
>perhaps, worse, she knows that the blame will automatically attach itself to
>the federal government and so she gets to give Bush a black eye and skate
>away free.
>You've gotta admire the neat political trick (if that is what it is)--if it
>wasn't for all the lives being lost.  After all, you aren't hearing any of
>this from See-BS or any of the others, so this "trick" might actually work.
>Millions of Americans will blame Bush while no one (other than a few
>"right-wingers") will report the truth--that Bush was prevented from acting
>by a bitchy, Podunk Democrat who happened to be Governor of Louisiana at the

The only "trick" is your less-than-slick political propoganda.

>To me, it still seems pretty sick, or even evil--all the way around.
>Lowell C. Savage
>It's the freedom, stupid!
>Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

Wanna know what "seems pretty sick, or even evil"? To sit there and
propogate such preposterous lies, trying to make political strides on
the backs of hundreds, probably thousands, of dead people.

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