On Sun, 2005-09-11 at 09:01 -0700, shadow wrote:
> On 10-Sep-05, Frank Gilliland wrote:
>  FG> And I guess you missed this from the first post:
>  FG> ============
>  FG> (b) General
>  FG>     Whenever the Federal assistance provided under subsection (a) of
>  FG> this section with respect to an emergency is inadequate, the President
>  FG> may also provide assistance with respect to efforts to save lives,
>  FG> protect property and public health and safety, and lessen or avert the
>  FG> threat of a catastrophe.
>  FG> ============
> Nothing I see in 5192(a) or (b) authorizes the president to ignore 5191.

Because it does not. ;)

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