
> I understand the logic of such actions. But the big problem is
> the potential for abuse. If the government cannot be
> held accountable for
> their actions (i.e, if the 'secret evidence' is withheld
> upon legal challenge of the imprisonment, as allowed under
> the unPatriot Act)
> then most certainly I oppose it.

I quote from the page:
independent judicial scrutiny of decisions to impose control orders,
including the hearing of evidence in open and closed session by the High
Court, with the interests of the subject of the order represented by a
special advocate in closed session;

So the person under the control order would not see the secret
evidence. The special advocate would see the evidence.

Do you still think there is potential for abuse? If so, could
you provide the libnw list with an example of the kind of
thing that might happen?

The right to privacy may be advanced by the Libertarian Party
and presumably privacy would apply in hospital.

In the Babylon 5 episode, The War Prayer, Garibaldi placed
a man under surveillance even when in hospital and it led to
the capturing of Home Guard criminals. The Home Guard is
a fictional organisation which violently opposes the presence
of aliens on Earth.


Babylon 5 - The War Prayer
Sinclair: You let him go?
Garibaldi: Under red level surveillance. I could have held
  him on the weapon charge.

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