Hi Dave,

Most S/390 shops had, at least initially, the reverse problem:

"Linux is Unix and doesn't run on mainframes...."

Ok, Ok, there's always been IBM AIX - but we won't go there.

To this day, when I try to get IP addresses for "virtual Linux/390 guests"
it confuses the heck out the networking people.  They don't understand that
there are no MAC addresses (how can your SuSE Linux PC be connected to the
network without a NIC?!?!), no physical machines other than "that big
mainframe box in the corner", etc.

It ultimately comes down to a turf war.  The S/390 shops don't want to give
up their budget for "Unix stuff", and the Unix shops don't want to give up
their budgets for "mainframe stuff".  What they haven't "gotten" yet is that
they are one and the same with the advent of Linux/390.

Michael Coffin, VM Systems Programmer
Internal Revenue Service - Room 6527
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20224

Voice: (202) 927-4188   FAX:  (202) 622-3123

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: SAF in zVM V4R2 Express Installation

In a message dated 5/15/2002 10:56:06 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

> So for those folks who are saying that they want to use VM to host
> Linux/390 server farms, but they don't want to know anything about VM
> - it's kind of like me saying I want to use Linux to run advanced web
> serving, database and networking tasks - but I don't want to know
> anything about it.  It doesn't work that way, you need to make an
> investment in understanding the system you are supporting, at least to
> a level that you feel comfortable with.

I don't disagree with  this...I guess my point is this...
Linux is Unix....so we'll have a lot easier time winning over the Unix group
on S/390 Linux.

VM is  ??????....so we'll run into a roadblock when we try to win over the
Unix group on this....

...in my shop the Unix & Infrastructure group is calling the shots for
future growth....so somehow I need to get them on my side!  So,  I'll take
care of the VM requirements (probably by getting some VM education and some
ISV help)...and not ask them to cross-train anyone on VM. BUT....I'm sure
I'll have to work with our network guys to get them comfortable with guest
lans and hipersockets ;o)


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