I took the default for dasdfmt and so it should be cdl:

cat /proc/dasd/devices;lsdasd
0.0.0150(ECKD) at ( 94:     0) is dasda       : active at blocksize: 4096, 60084
0 blocks, 2347 MB
0.0.0151(ECKD) at ( 94:     4) is dasdb       : active at blocksize: 4096, 60084
0 blocks, 2347 MB
0.0.0152(FBA ) at ( 94:     8) is dasdc       : active at blocksize: 512, 200000
blocks, 97 MB
Bus-ID     Status      Name      Device  Type  BlkSz  Size      Blocks
0.0.0150   active      dasda     94:0    ECKD  ???    2347MB    ???
0.0.0151   active      dasdb     94:4    ECKD  ???    2347MB    ???
0.0.0152   active      dasdc     94:8    FBA   ???    97MB      ???

I logged on as root to monitor the install and see the following in storage.log:

20:14:29,433 DEBUG storage: found DASDDevice instance (0x813314a8) --
  name = dasdc  status = True  parents = []
  kids = 0
  id = 5
  uuid = None  format = <pyanaconda.storage.formats.disklabel.DiskLabel object 
at 0x81331748>  size = 97.65625
  major = 94  minor = 8  exists = True
  sysfs path = /devices/css0/0.0.0006/0.0.0152/block/dasdc  partedDevice = 
<parted.device.Device object at 0x81331588>
  target size = 0  path = /dev/dasdc
  format args = []  originalFormat = DiskLabel instance (0x81331748) --
  type = disklabel  name = partition table (DASD)  status = False
  device = /dev/dasdc  uuid = None  exists = False
  options = None  supported = False  formattable = True  resizable = False
  type = dasd  partition count = 0  sectorSize = 512
  align_offset = 0  align_grain = 128
  partedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x81331b38>
  origPartedDisk = <parted.disk.Disk object at 0x81331c88>
  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x813319b0>
  removable = False  partedDevice = <parted.device.Device object at 0x81331588>
20:14:29,445 DEBUG storage: ignoring partition dasdc1
20:14:31,943 DEBUG storage:            DASDDevice.teardown: dasdc ; status: 
True ;
20:14:34,405 DEBUG storage:            DASDDevice.teardown: dasda ; status: 
True ;
20:14:38,815 DEBUG storage:            PartitionDevice.teardown: dasdb1 ; 
status: True ;
20:14:39,216 DEBUG storage:             DeviceFormat.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb1 ; status: False ; type: None ;
20:14:39,485 DEBUG storage:             DeviceFormat.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb1 ; status: False ; type: None ;
20:14:39,648 DEBUG storage:             PartitionDevice.teardown: dasdb1 ; 
status: True ;
20:14:39,796 DEBUG storage:              DeviceFormat.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb1 ; status: False ; type: None ;
20:14:39,962 DEBUG storage:              DeviceFormat.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb1 ; status: False ; type: None ;
20:14:43,551 DEBUG storage:               DASDDevice.teardown: dasdb ; status: 
True ;
20:14:43,753 DEBUG storage:                DiskLabel.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb ; status: False ; type: disklabel ;
20:14:43,953 DEBUG storage:                DiskLabel.teardown: device: 
/dev/dasdb ; status: False ; type: disklabel ;
20:14:45,898 INFO storage: failed to unlink /etc/mdadm.conf

The anaconda command line is:

/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/anaconda --stage2 
 --headless --kickstart /tmp/ks.cfg -T --selinux --lang en_US.UTF-8 --repo 

The ks.cfg  file contains the following - the part statement is of interest I 

url --url=http://secondary.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/spins/S390/current/
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
rootpw  --iscrypted 
firewall --service=ssh
authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint
selinux --enforcing
timezone Europe/Berlin
clearpart --initlabel --all --drives=dasda
part / --size=6000 --fstype=ext3

#repo --name="Fedora Rawhide s390x"  
--baseurl=http://s390.koji.fedoraproject.org/mash/rawhide/s390x/os/ --cost=100


Neither syslog nor anaconda.log show anything of interest:

19:13:08,118 INFO kernel:[ 8790.474111]  dasda:VOL1/  0X0150: dasda1
19:13:16,159 INFO kernel:[ 8798.518647]  dasdb:VOL1/  0X0151: dasdb1

19:11:12,643 INFO loader: 524288 kB (512 MB) are available
19:11:44,210 INFO anaconda: using only installclass _Fedora
19:11:44,490 INFO anaconda: Detected 496M of memory
19:11:44,512 INFO anaconda: Swap attempt of 128M to 992M
19:11:55,839 INFO anaconda: ISCSID is /usr/sbin/iscsid
19:11:55,961 INFO anaconda: no initiator set
19:11:56,070 INFO anaconda: Checking for unformatted DASD devices:
19:11:56,313 INFO anaconda:     no unformatted DASD devices found
19:14:07,009 WARN anaconda: step zfcpconfig does not exist
19:14:07,104 INFO anaconda: moving (1) to step setuptime
19:14:07,125 DEBUG anaconda: setuptime is a direct step
20:14:07,197 INFO anaconda: leaving (1) step setuptime
20:14:07,224 INFO anaconda: moving (1) to step autopartitionexecute
20:14:07,244 DEBUG anaconda: autopartitionexecute is a direct step
20:14:08,154 INFO anaconda: ISCSID is /usr/sbin/iscsid
20:14:08,192 INFO anaconda: no initiator set
20:14:16,319 INFO anaconda: UI not asking about disk initialization, using 
cached answer: True


On 11/25/10 12:21 PM, "Karsten Hopp" <kars...@redhat.com> wrote:

The Graphical Desktop requires ~1300Mb, a 'minimal' install ~700Mb. I'd
expect more for a development environment, but didn't check. Did you
format those DASDs with linux disk layout (ldl) ?  AFAIK you need to use


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