On Tue, May 18, 2004 at 07:01:19PM +0300, Shlomo Solomon wrote:
> Because of your requests through Public Mind, Skype has decided to
> develop a Linux version.  It is almost finished and should go into
> testing in the next few weeks.  I will advise when it is done and can be
> downloaded.  Thanks for your patience.

Something tells me Skype for Linux is not going to be "Hofshi" in any
way... (judging from their statements on their beloved proprietary

If it's indeed going to be so, I hope you guys won't fall into the
convenience trap. Sure, there is other closed software many of you guys
gotta use: Sun Java, VMWare etc... but Skype is different! Sun doesn't
try to keep Java internals secret to prevent competitors from
implementing their own Java machines. Sun isn't against
interoperatibility, while Skype is firmly against it.
Skype is all about user base lock-in.

Remember that time when you needed some Windows software cause the
protocol for a piece of hardware or some server was a secret? Help
Skype gain user shape by using their closed Linux version -- and you'd
be helping yet another such company.

Besides, if their version would have sucky Hebrew support, you couldn't
fix it. If it wouldn't have ALSA support, you couldn't fix it. You'd be
at their mercy, since by then all your buddies use Skype to chat.

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