YOur most probably right, I never bought into this so it I never gave it
much thought.

On ד', 2004-05-19 at 17:23, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Wed, May 19, 2004, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote about "Re: Fwd: FW: Skype for 
> Linux":
> > Packet8 is the cheaper they are $20 a month. You place a propritary box on
> > your network and connect a phone to it. You can then call the U.S. or Canada
> > for no incremental cost over the $20 a month. 
> I wonder why people consider this very cheap.
> I happen to know that a certain Israeli international-call company are
> charging their select customers 2 cents per minute (!) for calls to the
> USA and Canada. For $20, you can talk for 1000 minutes, or 16 hours.
> Since nobody I know talks that much abroad in a month, these sort of VOIP
> deals might be less fantastic than some people think.

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