On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 12:04 +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> > Can't you set it up on your own home desktop for that purpose? Even
> > absolute URL's can be tricked to point to the right content.
> > Show me what you CAN'T do that way and I'll try to help you work around it.
> This will require downloading a whole lot of data (HTML, PHP, Perl, database 
> dumps, etc.) to my host, and then setting it up there only to later upload it 
> to tux.hamakor.org.il again, and then It'd guarantee that it can *never* be 
> restored at iglu.org.il which I don't want.

Does this mean that you never set up those backup scripts and routine
backups, as matter of course, in the first place?!  Nu-Nu-Nu!

                                                 --- Omer

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