>>>>> "Urmil" == Urmil Parikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Now lemme see what we have here ;-)

    Urmil> Add to the list...  Visual Studio clone!!

You have options here Dude, Choose Glade, kdeveloper or there are many 
commercial alternatives.  So, I don't think I have an option for that ;-)

    Urmil>      Outlook Express 5 clone!!  Windows Media Player 5
    Urmil> clone!!  Journaling File system as native FS!!  Cool device
    Urmil> driver!!  Winzip clone!!  Linux in embaded system!!  beOS
    Urmil> style multi threading and multimedia optimisation!!
    Urmil> Cellular Automata implementation in kernel level!! (my
    Urmil> precious dream) Cellular Automata based multimedia stream
    Urmil> compression tool!! (my precious dream) cellular Automata
    Urmil> based VR engine!! (my precious dream) ............
    Urmil> ..............  and many more!!!!

Outlook Express - There is something called Magellan for KDE which you might
                  want to have a look at  and there is emacs also which
                  can accomplish this to a large extent with all those add-ons
                  and much more.

Windows Media Player 5 -  Aktion comes a little bit close, but as you said this
                          is something which is desperately needed

JFS - IBM has already open sourced JFS, you might want to check the slashdot archives

Cool  Device Driver - ???? What do ya mean here ?? SOmething which can be refrigerated 
??? ;-)

Winzip Clone - Get yourself GUItar and you will leave winzip behind ;-)

BeOS mt and mo - Worth looking at, wait till I get my free copy of BeOS 5 ;-)

All that Cellular Automata Sutff - what is dat ?? Can you gimme a link to that ??

And archan since you asked why , the answer is I want to something that is
cool, challenging and something which makes linux suck less at the desktop 
( SOunds familiar huh ?? ;-) that is what mandrake says about enlightenment and
he has done a real gooooooooood job at that )

And this has nuthing to do with my office, but it has to do with my skill
development ;-)
        Khader "The Enlightenment Junkie" Vali

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Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pub  1024D/3C6A199D 
sub  2048g/E3A76B00
Key fingerprint = 7F85 2C03 CA1F 5ABD F099  E8D3 392A 9A11 3C6A 199D
Debian 2.2.4 (potato)                       http://www.sidcarter.com

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