Hi Khader,

> Speaking frankly, I don't call programming *progamming* when
> someone uses tools like VB, Visual Studio.

Programming can never be defined w.r.t. the tool used for it and is
not at all important what you define as programming.

> Those things are for people who don't know how to program

Look at the other side, even a fresh programmer can do excellent work
using those things. See my comments for IDEs below.

> and Windows is a good platform for VB and Visual Studio.

Do you want to say Linux can't be a good platform?

> Frankly speaking I don't like the Idea of even Kdevelop.

If it was question of your likes / dislikes, there was no point in
posting that to list.

> Simply love programming with vi and emacs.

Why to go even for page editors such as vi and emacs? Go for line
editors :-)

> Real programmers don't use IDE's. Here at our office, I have
> seen people who use things like WInVI, gnumake and gcc to
> program in Windows. And that is the best way !!

That is why Linux is still not able to get acceptance as Desktop OS.
While making any application, one should take novice users (or
programmers) into account. If you are developing anything for Real
Programmers, please stop it now. They don't need it. They are Real.
They can develop one for themselves in no time.

Don't consider IDEs as just simple text editor with support for
compilation. IDEs are those editors which know the programming
language better than you. The online syntax checking,... offered by M$
Visual Studio prevent you from writing erroneous code right from the
beginning when you actually write it. They are there to make your life
easy by prompting you online so that you do not even unknowingly make
any mistake. Hey, can you remember definitions of thousands of
structures / unions / classes that you use in your program? Those
facilities relieve you from remembering all those stuff and helps you
pay more attention to your program. It naturally saves your very very
precious time and effort.

> And talking about packaging tools, well tar at its best. Then we
> have rpm and deb. Way to go !! ;-)

I haven't used rpm / deb nor I'm at all satisfied with Package &
Deployment tools from M$. So no more comments here.

Urmil Parikh

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