>>>>> "Urmil" == Urmil Parikh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Urmil> Don't consider IDEs as just simple text editor with support
    Urmil> for compilation. IDEs are those editors which know the
    Urmil> programming language better than you. The online syntax

Oh ! And who created the IDE's ?? The ones who created these IDE's used 
another IDE is it ?? ;-)

    Urmil> checking,... offered by M$ Visual Studio prevent you from
    Urmil> writing erroneous code right from the beginning when you
    Urmil> actually write it. They are there to make your life easy by

People learn from mistakes !! want to deny that ?? ;-)
And if you don't want to learn, then go ahead and use an IDE ;-)

    Urmil> prompting you online so that you do not even unknowingly
    Urmil> make any mistake. Hey, can you remember definitions of

Ever been on the kernel mailing list ?? Try it !!
Those guys know almost every part of the kernel and the various structures, 
unions etc.,. and they are not superhumans. They happen to be people like us
only ;-)

    Urmil> thousands of structures / unions / classes that you use in
    Urmil> your program? Those facilities relieve you from remembering
    Urmil> all those stuff and helps you pay more attention to your

If the IDE is taking care of the program, what more attention do you want
to give the program ?? ;-) Editing the text Captions on the Buttons, Titles
and warning boxes ??   Now is that what they call real Coding ??
Keeps me wondering ;-)

Well, I have a hunch that people at M$ might be using those IDE's only so
that we get to see a Blue screen once in a while ;-) and pay more attention 
to your computer ;-)

------------------------------------------------ @}-----------------
Syed Khader Vali (Siddiq)                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
pub  1024D/3C6A199D 
sub  2048g/E3A76B00
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Debian 2.2.4 (potato)                       http://www.sidcarter.com

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