Linux-Misc Digest #734, Volume #19                Sun, 4 Apr 99 10:13:30 EDT

  Re: Apache configuration tool ("Gero H. Marten")
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the (Floyd Davidson)
  Help with Linux configuration (Darrin Ward)
  Re: Delphi on Linux the Lazarus project (Jari Vuonos)
  Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0 (Enkidu)
  Re: data base (James Stafford)
  Re: hackers ("Anders G. Olstad")
  What modules have i loaded? Help! (razoon)
  Re: About Redhat Distribution ("John Fee")
  Re: Linux as a server (Robert Heller)
  Re: Help! Problems with PPP Conection to Net (Bob Wightman)
  Re: GL Quake + 3DFX card. Slooowwww. (Thomas Zajic)
  Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0 (Alexander Viro)
  Newbie-Best Book ("slick7")
  Re: backup .tgz file > 2gb (James Lee)
  Re: Distributions with 2.2.x kernel (Rod Roark)
  Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the Linux-equivalents 
for these Windoze programs? (Michael W. Ryan)
  Re: What modules have i loaded? Help! (bklimas)
  News path (Baxter Tocher)
  Re: Help - want to add users and passwds not as root. ("David Z. Maze")


From: "Gero H. Marten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache configuration tool
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 09:15:06 +0200

Erik Bas wrote:
> Hi, does anyone have a configuration tool for the apache webserver in
> xwindows..

Try webmin at <>

Gero H. Marten


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Floyd Davidson)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the
Date: 4 Apr 1999 06:09:31 GMT

Tom Betz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Quoth Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>|Matthias Warkus wrote:
>|>Tom Betz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>|> > Little things annoy.  For example, there is no common buffer for
>|> > cutting and pasting between apps.
>|> Sure there is.
>|> > You can't do something as simple
>|> > as paste text copied from an xterm session into, say, Netscape.
>|> Netscape is a screwed-up app, that's why it works with almost
>|> everything but Netscape.

However, pasting text from an xterm to netscape is *easy* and
works just like cut-and-paste for everything else under X.  I do
it every day.

>|Try holding the shift key while highlighting the text and hold
>|shift when pasting. I can paste just about anywhere with this
>Thanks for being the only respondent to actually offer a possible
>solution, instead of telling me that something works that I know
>from short personal experience doesn't work.

Yeah, it works wonders...  it does exactly the same thing with
or without the shift key down!  If your personal experience was
different, then you should review what was incorrect about the
way you were doing things rather than blame everyone else that
correctly points out that it does in fact work exactly as


Floyd L. Davidson                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ukpeagvik (Barrow, Alaska)                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UPDATED Mar 20, North Slope images: <>


From: Darrin Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with Linux configuration
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 17:40:50 +1000


I am having some troubles getting SuSE Linux 6 to do what I need.  I am
setting up a Linux server for our network, running Samba to provide file
sharing to the Win95/98 clients.  All that seems to be working OK.  I am
then trying to get the server to act as an e-mail/www server via our
permanent dial-up connection to our ISP.

Problems are in a few areas:

1.  The network runs fine until connected to the net.  Everything then
slows down (dramatically).  It would appear that anything happening on
our network is causing activity on the modem (talking to a DNS?).  The
system doesn't hang - just operates VERY slowly.  Disconnect the modem
connection and all is OK.  Any suggestions?

2.  How do I get DIALD to establish a permanent connection and then
maintain it?  Or doesn't it do that?

3.  Sendmail keeps giving an internal configuration error saying that
the MX record points to itself (inbound mail only).  Outbound seems to
get out OK.  My server is called fred and our domain is
How should I configure this?

4.  How do I get squid to use use a proxy server at my ISP.  My ISP does
not permit any direct Internet connections - only via their proxy

5.  I am trying to get a RealAudio server running as well.  It seems to
install OK, but when I execute it it says "Cannot open PNA port 7070".
I know that it listens on this port to operate, but how do I set this

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Darrin Ward.


From: Jari Vuonos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Delphi on Linux the Lazarus project
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 08:18:47 +0000

Similar project appears to be underway at

Cliff Baeseman wrote:
> This is to announce the Lazarus Project. Open source Delphi like rad
> development
> environment for Linux..
> Come Join the team ;)
> Cliff


From: Enkidu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 19:25:14 +1200

James Goldman wrote:
> <snip description of lusers>
Alexander did miss the the bit about "unable to read a manual or
other documentation". Tho' some of that may be not knowing where
to look, which in itself doesn't make someone a "luser".



From: James Stafford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: data base
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 01:09:11 -0800

Christopher Browne wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Mar 1999 15:07:08 +0200, Matthias Warkus
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It was the Tue, 30 Mar 1999 05:30:29 GMT...
> >..and Christopher Browne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Sat, 27 Mar 1999 08:54:21 -0500, Rick Knebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >> >I would be interested in using a data base on linux.
> >> >Right now at work I use Access.
> >> >Is there any comporable GUI database for Linux???

I would suggest that you take alot at Star Office 5. While the data base that
comes with Star Office isn't all that great, you can still use it to connect
to other data bases. Oracle is one of the data bases mentioned that you can
use with Star Office.



From: "Anders G. Olstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: hackers
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 13:48:27 +0200

> I'm not much of a hacker but I do use Linux.  I'm running
> RedHat5.2 and I'm on a LAN connected though cablemodem by
> an old 486 with Slackware96.  I'm up late working and I
> notice things are getting slow.  I run top and I see that
> user:nobody is running find with PRI 20!!!  All of a
> sudden there's another process running "make whatis".  I
> killed that and some other processes including an instance
> of gawk, I then literrally pulled the plug on my
> cablemodem.  I looked in /var/log but I can't find
> anything.  What, if anything,can I do to trace this
> hacker?

Most likely, the "make whatis" is just a cron job running as user nobody.
Take a look in /etc/cron.weekly/ and /etc/crontab
Anders Gulden Olstad @ Brinkley | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
RedHat 5.2 Linux kernel 2.0.36  | "Penguins are generally nice creatures"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (razoon)
Subject: What modules have i loaded? Help!
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 11:39:34 GMT

Whats the commandline to see what modules i have loaded?


From: "John Fee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: About Redhat Distribution
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 10:31:43 +0100

§õ¤@¤@ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> After you install RedHat, is it a must that rpm should be use to install
> other software?

No, and just as well. A lot of the good stuff comes as *.tar.gz and not as



From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux as a server
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 07:44:45 GMT

  "David L. Courtney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Sun, 04 Apr 1999 02:02:30 GMT, wrote :

"LC> This may be a silly question, but here goes:  I just read at 
"LC> that Linux can perform as a "netware/NCP" server OR as a "native 
"LC> windows/SMB" server.  Does this mean that my win95 workstations could 
"LC> be used with Linux installed on the server, just like they are with 
"LC> Netware 3.x/4.x and "MS client for Netware (or Microsoft) networks?
"LC> Comments appreciated.
"LC> David C.


RedHat Linux comes with something called 'MARS' -- this is a Novel
Netware server and something else called 'Samba', this is a
MS-Windows/SMB server.  And on top of this, you can install NetATalk and
server any stray MacOS boxes.  And install the HFS file system model and
mount MacOS floppies, Zip, Jaz, and CD-ROMS (virtually all Linux
distributions come with support for at least (V)Fat16).

Linux can do it all *at the same time* even.  And do it faster and more
reliably as well.  And for less.  On old hardware too.

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: Bob Wightman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.dial-up
Subject: Re: Help! Problems with PPP Conection to Net
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 09:25:10 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Davies
>I'm having the following problem with trying to connect to the Internet
>using Redhat 5.2
>The PPP connection appears to work OK from looking at /var/log/messages
>It says:
>Serial Connection Established
>Using interface ppp0
>Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/modem
>However, after about 15-20s it hangs up with these messages:
>LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
>Connection Terminated
>Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean
>Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0

Looks like your ISP is wanting login authorisation. Try the following
line (all as one line)

/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttS1 115200 debug connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v '' ATDT
1234567 CONNECT '' ogin <your ISP username> assword <your password>"

Some of the following will need to be changed, but the general idea is

Change ttS1 for your serial port number.
  "    115200 for the Baud rate for your modem if necessary.
  "    1234567 for the number for your ISP.
  "    ogin for ame if your ISP asks for your name not Login.
  "    <your ISP username> for your username on the remote system.
  "    <your password> for your password for that system.

Got to the following URL (assuming you can use Windows or someone else's
machine) and download the document, best to print it out.

The above routine was taken from this document but there is much more in


Bob Wightman


From: Thomas Zajic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GL Quake + 3DFX card. Slooowwww.
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 08:58:32 GMT

Paul Richards wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just got GL Quake to work with RH 5.2 but the speed is rubbish.  My
> 3DFX card is a Voodoo Graphics Diamond Monster 3D.  The same game under
> Win95 is much faster.  The only difference I can see is that when
> loading, GL Quake under linux says the GL Vendor is Mesa and under Win95
> it says Voodoo.  Any ideas why it's so slow?

You might want to try the 3Dfx Miniport ( that comes with
the Linux version of Quake 2 instead of Mesa.

-        Thomas Zajic aka ZlatkO ThE GoDFatheR, Vienna/Austria        -
-        Spam-proof e-mail: thomas(DOT)zajic(AT)teleweb(DOT)at        -


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alexander Viro)
Subject: Re: Idea:  Make a seperate "i686" tree for Redhat Linux 6.0
Date: 4 Apr 1999 06:34:21 -0400

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Enkidu  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>James Goldman wrote:
>> <snip description of lusers>
>Alexander did miss the the bit about "unable to read a manual or
>other documentation". Tho' some of that may be not knowing where
>to look, which in itself doesn't make someone a "luser".

"...extremely short attention span..."
As in "any manual longer than 2 paragraphs will be treated so: 5-6 random
sentences glanced over, everything else ignored".

"You're one of those condescending Unix computer users!"
"Here's a nickel, kid.  Get yourself a better computer" - Dilbert.


From: "slick7" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux,
Subject: Newbie-Best Book
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 09:16:52 -0400

Which is/are the best books for a beginner. I have a good working knowledge
of W95/98.---Thanks, Joan


From: James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,
Subject: Re: backup .tgz file > 2gb
Date: 4 Apr 1999 08:31:03 -0500

In alt.os.linux Jens Albrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: hi,

: i want to copy the content of one hardisk to another harddisk, the
: second disk is smaller than the first one, because of this i have to
: compress the files. the problem with gzip an tar is, that the .tgz file
: will become bigger than 2gb and linux can't handle this (the system runs
: with an intel cpu). i think the easiest way ist to copy and gzip the
: files the same time, but i've no idea, how i can do this. i've tried
: afio -cZ, but i've got only errors.
: any ideas?? or knows somebody a packer for linux like arj, that can
: start a new file after a specified size??

How about tar'ing a subset of the directories instead of the whole


From: Rod Roark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Distributions with 2.2.x kernel
Date: 4 Apr 1999 13:51:26 GMT

>On Fri, 26 Mar 1999 21:52:24 -0800, 
> jik-, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> brought forth the following words...:
>>Andreas Jonsson wrote:
>>> Right now there is only one distribution with 2.2.x kernel, ant that is
>>> RedHat Starbuck -- BETA build of RedHat 6.0, so there may be some problem.
>>> I haven't seen any yet and I've used it since monday.
>>Slackware 4.0 BETA is 2.2.3 afaik..haven't bother to try it, I am
>>waiting for the real release.

The Slackware 4.0 Beta is at 2.2.5.  Includes KDE 1.1   I've been 
playing with it for a few days.

To get some idea of the work that goes into this, look at
This kind of openness is one of the things I really like about 

-- Rod
Sunset Systems                           Preconfigured Linux Computers                      and Custom Software


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael W. Ryan)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Why Linux still isn't my standard boot-up OS, or what are the 
Linux-equivalents for these Windoze programs?
Date: 4 Apr 1999 13:56:55 GMT

On 04 Apr 1999 00:29:58 -0800, Michael Powe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[Copy & Paste via Mouse]
>However, this is a fix.  I can't do it on my slackware box & I
>couldn't do it on my Really Horrible box, either.  I'm sure there's a
>way to hack it into place, but it's far from being the universal

It's been the default behavior on my Red Hat system ever since I started
using it with version 4.1.

Michael W. Ryan               | OTAKON 1999
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              | Convention of Otaku Generation |

PGP fingerprint: 7B E5 75 7F 24 EE 19 35  A5 DF C3 45 27 B5 DB DF
PGP public key available by fingering [EMAIL PROTECTED] (use -l opt)


From: bklimas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What modules have i loaded? Help!
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 14:02:42 GMT

razoon wrote:

> Whats the commandline to see what modules i have loaded?
> tnx

You might want to try either:



cat /proc/modules

Hope this helps. Best regards,



From: Baxter Tocher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News path
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 14:51:06 +0100


I've installed leafnode on a GNU/Linux system (Red Hat 5.2, if it

When I send out a test message to a test newsgroup and look at the path
after I collected news, I see:!localhost.localdomain!nobody

Do I need to reconfigure something? If so, what?






From: "David Z. Maze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help - want to add users and passwds not as root.
Date: 04 Apr 1999 10:12:53 -0400

Nico Zigouras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
NZ> I need your help desperately.  I am setting up a web site and I
NZ> want to have users be able to add themselves to my linux system
NZ> through a web page.  They should be able to add themselves as a
NZ> user and set their passwords.

So, thought: let's say I (as David, this random person from MIT you've 
never heard of) find your Web site.  And curious as I am, I fill out
the form and press "Submit".  Do I suddenly have a login on your Linux 
box?  That would be poor; you should make sure that sufficient guards
are in place such that I can't do that.

(Were it me, I'd have "sufficient guards" at least include a real
human, and I wouldn't think it unreasonable for him/her to have to
have root access.)

NZ> I am new to Linux sys admin, so please stay simple.
NZ> Ideally I would like a Perl script.

Most Linux distributions come with some sort of "useradd" or "adduser" 
program that you can use to add entries to /etc/passwd.  Looking at
the source of the equivalent program on your machine and at passwd(5)
should get you started.

David Maze             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Hey, Doug, do you mind if I push the Emergency Booth Self-Destruct Button?"
"Oh, sure, Dave, _do_ know what that does, right?"



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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