Linux-Misc Digest #716, Volume #20               Mon, 21 Jun 99 01:13:08 EDT

  Red Hat 60. Question (Arthur Merar)
  Re: Linux + RAM >64M ("Mage...")
  Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be? (Eric Iverson)
  Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft Retest 
News ("Chad Mulligan")
  Re: Children's Software (David L. Bilbey)
  Re: Redhat 6.0 and USB mouse (Coy A Hile)
  Re: Linux viruses ("r.tolga")
  FTP programming (Donovan Rebbechi)
  Re: view or delete file using inode? (Rich Piotrowski)
  Re: Module dependecies (Stewart Honsberger)
  Re: Menu's don't work in some apps? (Paul Kimoto)
  Module dependecies (Rick Lim)
  Re: Modem and Ethernet Card ("r.tolga")
  Modem and Ethernet Card (Byron)
  Re: postgres prob, dbase recommeation ("WME")
  modprobe: can't locate char-major-4 what did i do wrong (Yorkshire)
  Re: xdiff / graphical merge utility? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Parallel Port Scanner Under Linux ("r.tolga")
  Where to get the VI editor? (Tom Alsberg)
  GCC Compiler - RH 6.0 (Peter Rodriguez)
  Re: Debian advocates (John Girash)
  Re: HELP! How to get out when netscape 4.5 freezes? (Alex Lam)
  Re: Linux Installation Questions (Donovan Rebbechi)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur Merar)
Subject: Red Hat 60. Question
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 03:24:03 GMT


I am very new to Linux.  I just installed Red Hat 6.0.   Upon booting,
the boot sequence comes to a prompt that says:

'Starting System Logger:'

It sits at this prompt for about 4 minutes and then continues with
it's boot sequence.

Why does it sit so long?  Can I shorten the wait?

Please reply e-mail......

Thank you,



From: "Mage..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux + RAM >64M
Date: 21 Jun 1999 02:51:48 GMT

Most of the newer GNU/Linux distro's will support >64MB during the install
process. Others will require adding a line to the lilo.cnf file under the
/etc directory.  

--this is from thefiel
*  All memory like DRAM, EDO and SDRAM can be used with Linux. There is
*  one thing you have to look at: normally the kernel is not supporting
*  more than 64 Mb of memory. When you add more than 64 Mb of memory you
*  have to add the following line to your LILO configuration file.
*     append="mem=<number of Mb>M"
so your friend's would be

have fun...

Mage... [EMAIL PROTECTED] (edit to email me)
Well, look at that. Breach hull, all die. 
Even had it underlined.

Crow, MST3K the movie


From: Eric Iverson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.mac.programmer.misc,,comp.unix.misc
Subject: Re: open systems?!? Re: Why does Apple not cooperate with Be?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 22:49:46 -0400

> >The BeOS developers have done something remarkable:
> >not only have they included a top-notch suite of media handling APIs,
> >they included in their design one resource that NO other commercial OS
> >handles properly: time.

> >Indeed, BeOS has meticulous attention to the ability to handle
> >operations in a timely manner, from meeting real-time constraints to
> >graphics, filesystem, and other I/O latency minimization and bandwidth
> >guarantees.

> Funny, Apple already had this on at least two levels:

> * QuickTime: a complete extensible architecture for dealing with
> time-based data, which first shipped in December 1991 and has been
> radically improving ever since.

I dunno. Playing 1 quicktime movie at a time and watching
the image stop moving when I hold down the mouse isn't too

> * At a much lower level, the Apple Real-Time Architecture (ARTA), which
> was introduced with the AV Macs in mid-1993, and was a dedicated OS for
> running on DSP chips, with full support for bandwidth reservation and
> deterministic latency guarantees.

I suppose that went out with the AV Macs.

These are the kind of specs we're talking about with BeOS:
 Media Services
 Microsecond resolution
 Allows consistent, accurate, reliable playback and
 recording of digital media that is tracked down to
 1/1,000,000 sec. Result: immediate responsiveness. 

 Kernel Services
 Low-latency kernel services
 250-microsecond (1 /1,000,000 sec.) latency for
 scheduling and timer events ensures accuracy and
 high system responsiveness. 



From: "Chad Mulligan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Could Microsoft Cheat On The New Mindcraft Benchmark? (was: Mindcraft 
Retest News
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:26:56 -0700

Ken Williams wrote in message <7kkb60$blv$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>In article <7khubm$3be$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Stuart Fox"
<Cut by request>
>>Your opinion only.  Heard of service packs - they are fixes.  And also
>In order for one to legally use a service pack or a patch from Microsoft
>must have purchased a Windows license.  So it costs me money to use those
>patches, therefor one could say they are not free.  Just like IE, you must
>legally have Windows to use it.  $$
>So an opensource patch is free, a Microsoft patch is not.  Its a stretch, I

Not much of a stretch, Snicker.  What would the point be of using one, if
you didn't already have windows?


From: David L. Bilbey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Children's Software
Date: 21 Jun 1999 03:01:49 GMT

   +-----On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 14:28:37 -0700, jik- spoke unto us:----------
   | Is there any kind of children's software for linux?  I think a secure
   | system like linux offers is best strategy for allowing children access
   | to the computer.

   | If there is none, I would be willing to help develop some stuff, but I
   | am by no means some child would be hard for me to design
   | with children in mind so I would need help.  But I figured some basic
   | math and language type programs would be neat...maybe a little child
   | science as well.  Course optimally it would be language independant, but
   | I only know English.  Hey, maybe some cultural education would be good
   | too.

This is a good idea!  I have a 7 1/2 month old, and I would like him to
have some educational software when he gets a bit older, but there doesn't
seem to be much out there.  Let me know if you find anything, or perhaps we
can start a project...?

David Bilbey

"What are all these `other dimensions' I keep hearing about?  To me,
there's only one dimension that's worth anything, and that's the good ol'
U. S. of A."  --Jack Handey


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Coy A Hile)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Redhat 6.0 and USB mouse
Date: 20 Jun 1999 23:10:14 -0400

In article <7kj5l2$26o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Yanhong Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi -
>I am trying to install Redhat 6.0 on a new machine - Acer Aspire 6150,
>it has a USB mouse, which linux does not recognize. 
>1. Where can I find the patch for this (redhat 6.0 is linux 2.2.5)?
>2. How can I install the patch to my system?

IIRC, linux doesn't have USB support, at least not in 2.2.x series of 

Coy Hile
"Theirs not to reason why; theirs but to do...."
Tennyson, "Charge of the Light Brigade"


From: "r.tolga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux viruses
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 06:07:59 +0300

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Tarkaan wrote:

> Johan Kullstam wrote:
> >
> > jik- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > How many times has this question got to be asked in a week?  I
> > > though we had already had the recomended daily allowance of "Linux
> > > Viri" questions.  Has this question made it to #1 in the FAQ yet?
> >
> > no, number one has got to be:
> >
> > how do i get my pos pci modem of lose to work in linux?
> >
> > this has to be asked a bazillion times a day.
> How about: can someone post a copy of that will run in either
> DOS or Linux, so I don't keep getting stuck at LI, because the copy I
> found on the web causes divide overflows? :)
> Really...  I need someone to do that..!
> -- Jack Tarkaan                                      Kalamazoo, Michigan
> --           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I suggest some of you to read some Linux Advocacy Howtos. This is a news
group and sure some newbies or 'foreigners' send such messages.
If you are not interested in the topic or the question just pass it to
trash or whatsoever.  But do not reply to a message in such a manner.
Remember that you were a "newbie" and maybe asked the same question to
someone else in the past. Remember the person who answered you, and his
manner.  And finally you are NOT the owner of the list or newsgroup.

Finally do a good think for Linux community register yourself and your
machine to the Linux Counter.

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Tarkaan wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE>Johan Kullstam wrote:
<BR>> jik- &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
<BR>> > How many times has this question got to be asked in a week?&nbsp;
<BR>> > though we had already had the recomended daily allowance of "Linux
<BR>> > Viri" questions.&nbsp; Has this question made it to #1 in the FAQ
<BR>> no, number one has got to be:
<BR>> how do i get my pos pci modem of lose to work in linux?
<BR>> this has to be asked a bazillion times a day.
<P>How about: can someone post a copy of that will run in either
<BR>DOS or Linux, so I don't keep getting stuck at LI, because the copy
<BR>found on the web causes divide overflows? :)
<P>Really...&nbsp; I need someone to do that..!
<P>-- Jack 
Kalamazoo, Michigan
<BR>-- <A 

I suggest some of you to read some <B>Linux Advocacy Howtos</B>. This is
a news group and sure some newbies or 'foreigners' send such messages.
<BR>If you are not interested in the topic or the question just pass it
to trash or whatsoever.&nbsp; But do not reply to a message in such a manner.
Remember that you were a "newbie" and maybe asked the same question to
someone else in the past. Remember the person who answered you, and his
manner.&nbsp; And finally you are NOT the owner of the list or newsgroup.
<P>Finally do a good think for Linux community register yourself and your
machine to the <A HREF="">Linux Counter.</A>



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: FTP programming
Date: 21 Jun 1999 03:38:23 GMT

Hi. I have a question about ftp programming: 

If I have a program that connects to an ftp server, I can use an nlst 
command to list the files/directories. However, how do I tell if something 
is a file or a directory ? 

Here is one proposed solution ( which I'm not too happy with just yet ... ) 

On a UNIX server, this is relatively easy: I could run a "dir" command , 
and it would spit out permissions fields , so I just need see if they 
match ^- .

But is it safe to assume that any ftp server will spit out permssions
fields if sent "dir" ? ( does. But AFAIK the RFCs
don't require it. ) Or is there some better way ? 



From: Rich Piotrowski <rpiotrow*nospammin'*>
Subject: Re: view or delete file using inode?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 22:39:27 -0500

On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, John Thompson wrote:
>Gerald Willmann wrote:
>> On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, John Thompson wrote:
>> > Is there some way to view or delete a file using the inode
>> > number?  I have a peculiarly-named file in /usr that I can't
>> > seem to access in any way to see the contents or remove:
>> >
>> >  110773 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        66560 Jan 10
>> > 12:30 s????qq???
>> >
>> > Wild-cards don't touch this thing.
>> have you tried using /usr/s????qq??   ???
>[root@starfleet /root]# rm /usr/s????qq???
>rm: /usr/s????qq???: No such file or directory
>> the absolute path name should work
>You'd think so.  Any other ideas?

Try: "man ls"

Rich Piotrowski


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stewart Honsberger)
Subject: Re: Module dependecies
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 02:18:39 GMT

On 21 Jun 1999 02:00:27 GMT, Rick Lim wrote:

>I have RH 5.1, and have built several kernels and modules
>when it goes thru the boot process there is an error message
>Finding module depenendencies... can't open
>Is there a way to create this file, and what is in it ????

After you made your kernel; did you 'make modules' and 'make modules_install'?

Stewart Honsberger (AKA Blackdeath) @
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Remove 'thirteen' to reply privately)
Humming along under SuSE Linux 6.0 / OS/2 Warp 4


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: Menu's don't work in some apps?
Date: 19 Jun 1999 19:53:06 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve D. Perkins wrote:
>    I've been having a problem with some applications... all of
> which seem to be based on older or more primative libraries, not
> QT or GTK or anything.  Ones in particular are VIM (the vi editor
> under X) and RealPlayer.  These applications have pull-down menus
> at the top... but when you click on them you can't scroll down to
> select any of the options from the menu.

Are you implying that their behavior used to be different?

It appears that the standard behavior is supposed to be
something like "click and hold, move mouse, release when
on selected choice".  (And what's the best way to
describe *that*?!)

Paul Kimoto             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


From: Rick Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Module dependecies
Date: 21 Jun 1999 02:00:27 GMT

I have RH 5.1, and have built several kernels and modules
when it goes thru the boot process there is an error message

Finding module depenendencies... can't open

Is there a way to create this file, and what is in it ????

The wealth of reality, cannot be seen from your locality.


From: "r.tolga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem and Ethernet Card
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 06:38:41 +0300

Byron wrote:

> Hi all,
>         I am using an ethenet card at an intranet and i am trying to
> connect to
> internet by using a modem. However, there is a problem here. It seems
> that the modem and ethernet card cannot coexist together. I have to
> deactivate the ethernet card before i can connect to internet by using
> the modem.
> Otherwise, we cannot even "ping" the machines in our subnet!!
> Becky

First of all i recommend you to read the Ethernet-Howto and
Doing a #man lilo.conf is also a good idea. I've a Ne2000 comp. card
which uses 3x300 by default.
I had the same problem with my old rockwell ISA 33600 modem.
I dont know your modem and ethernet card
Do a #cat /dev/modem
If you get an aswer of an io conflict or 'modem busy' from kppp then try

When LILO Boot prompt comes enter:
LILO Boot: linux ether=9,0x300,eth0

you can check the io and irq's your card using from your windows system
if there is one, or try
different irqs. you can find a free ioport by looking at the
#cat /proc/ioports

If everything goes OK, you can put an argument in /etc/conf.modules if
you are using the card's driver as a module or
in /etc/lilo.conf if the driver put directly in the kernel. Refer to
Ethernet-Howto and BootPrompt-Howtos

If it does not work send an other help request including following
Your distribution and kernel using
Names and details of your eth card and modem
and thing you've tried to solve the problem.


Subject: Modem and Ethernet Card
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:20:49 +0800

Hi all,

        I am using an ethenet card at an intranet and i am trying to
connect to
internet by using a modem. However, there is a problem here. It seems
that the modem and ethernet card cannot coexist together. I have to
deactivate the ethernet card before i can connect to internet by using
the modem.
Otherwise, we cannot even "ping" the machines in our subnet!!



Subject: Re: postgres prob, dbase recommeation
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 23:31:26 -0400

Thanks, it worked, but it I couldn't find the file where I have to enable
the username
so I did

host         all    trust

> Also, the pg_hba.conf file must be configured. It's located in the
> PGDATA directory. In a default installation, this file permits access
> only by UNIX domain sockets. For the JDBC driver to connect to the same
> localhost, you need to add something like:
> host all password
> Here access to all databases are possible from the local machine with
> The JDBC Driver supports trust, ident, password and crypt authentication
> methods.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yorkshire)
Subject: modprobe: can't locate char-major-4 what did i do wrong
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 03:45:52 GMT

ok, what did i do wrong?
i'm learning fast but i'm still pretty much a newbie at this stuff
i get this message a load of times on startup now, since i made a
2.2.10 kernel.
anyone help?

email to ix (at) doxx (dot) net

thanks in advance



Subject: Re: xdiff / graphical merge utility?
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 02:57:12 GMT

The file is in dos format. Use your favorite means to strip the \r from


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Eric George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> T.E.Dickey wrote:
> >
> > Eric George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > On SGI's the is a nice utility called xdiff.  It brings up to text
> > > in side by side windows and highlights the differences between the
> > > files.  You can the scroll through and choose which version of
> > > difference you want to keep and save the result.  Very handy for
> > > at different versions of source files and such!
> >
> > > I've looked at several sites and haven't found anything like
this.  Does
> > > it exist for Linux?  If so, where??
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Thomas E. Dickey
> >
> Thanks! Looks like exactly what I need!
> Now, if I could only get it to run!?
> I downloaded the file tkdiff-3.03.tcl from the site, and made it
> executable.  But when I try to run it I get:
> bash; ./tkdiff-3.03.tcl; No such file or directory
> If I try to run it from the TCL shell I get:
> couldn't execute "./tkdiff-3.03.tcl": no such file or directory
> I tried renaming it just tkdiff and tried running it as root.  All
> identical results.  I've never really done anything with TCL scripts
> before, does anybody see what I'm doing wrong?
> I believe it has to do with my wish executable not being where this
> script expects it to be. (It's in /usr/bin)
> I've fooled around with the first few lines, but can't get it to work.
> As far as I can tell, my TCL shell and wish work properly.
> Thanks
> Eric

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: "r.tolga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Parallel Port Scanner Under Linux
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 06:42:22 +0300

Melvin Branch wrote:

> Has anybody ever gotten a parallel port scanner to work under linux?
> If so please teach me.  I have an INFO scanner, but in order to use it I must
> leave linux and go back to Winblows.

I have the same problem with a Mustek 6000P scanner. When i search
the topic on the internet i learned that only scasi scanners can be used
under Linux. I dont understand why but i can live with that. Did not boot to
for the last 11 days. hehe ;)


From: Tom Alsberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where to get the VI editor?
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 06:15:00 +0300

  I must admit I am a VI fan, I've generally never found a better/more
advanced editor than VI for Unix systems. now let's say my Linux
distribution came without the original VI editor (Yep, those exist), but
only with a VI clone like VIs or VIM, and let's say I want only the
original VI editor, anyone knows where I can get it?

  Tom Alsberg (wondering #(:-?)


Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 15:53:47 +1200
From: Peter Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GCC Compiler - RH 6.0

I am running RedHat 6.0. I am also trying to learn a bit about C
programming. When I try to compile - "gcc -g -ofilename filename.c", I
get the error messages as follows:-

/usr/bin/ld: cannot open crt1.o: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I don't recall having this trouble with RH 5.2

Can anyone help, please?

All contributions gratefully received.

Peter Rodriguez
136, Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe


From: John Girash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.debian.user,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Debian advocates
Date: 21 Jun 1999 04:21:27 GMT

William Tanksley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jun 1999 20:31:23 GMT, David Frye wrote:
>>My number 1 and 2 reasons for *not* using Debian

>>1.  deselect - sucks big time, outdated, takes forever to run through and
>>install anything with it. Granted, apt is now available, but you still must use
>>deselect when you install Debian.

> Not true at all in any point.  dselect certainly needs improvement, but
> the fact remains that it's _there_ -- no other distribution has anything
> that comes close.

That doesn't rebut the point (true IMHO, and I'm a big Debian fan) that dselect
sucks.  My advice: use one of the default installs, let dselect do its thing
w/o much intervention, and then never touch it again.  dpkg &/or apt are fine.

>>2. updates - security updates from Debian only support the current release. If
>>you are running on 2.0 and it is working fine for you, why must you update to
>>2.1 just to get a simple security update (i.e. wu-ftpd).

> You don't _have_ to, but odds are you're better off doing so.

>>Security updates seem
>>to be compiled with the most current versions of system libriaries that the
>>developer maintaining that package has on his system, and there is little, if
>>any, support for previous released versions of Debian.

> Annd why should there be, when it costs no more than a couple of hours
> modem downtime to upgrade?

> I have a hard time thinnking of how to get the minor advanntage you're
> asking for (all security patches available for all back versions) while
> keeping all the advantages Debian has now (easy upgrades, solid testing).
> Evenntually there are just too mmany back versions to test, and no testers
> because they've all upgraded!

I don't think he's asking for security updates for *all* past versions.  Just
for all past _minor_ versions of the current _major_ version, 2.x .  Many open
source developers seem to forget that a large part of their target audience
is on _production_ machines that can't/won't/shouldn't be subjected to every
*minor* OS upgrade as soon as it comes out if it can be avoided.  Hamm is a
fine, solid release; why abandon it so soon just 'cause slink is sexier?

(Note that this argument only really applies when the OS and the kernel are
largely-separable entities.  Fortunately, in linuxspace they are.)

My advice to Debian: supply security updates for the whole 2.x tree until 3.0
is out.  Once 3.0 is officially stable, only support the _final_ 2.x.  Then
whenever 3.1 arrives as stable, go ahead & drop that last 2.x.  Repeat for 3.x

Assuming we don't get too far into the 2.x tree (say 2.2 or 2.3 max) this
doesn't imply the need to keep too many legacy systems around.  Heck, you
could enlist the help of the many many people not yet running the latest
release to compile the .deb's.  Not much work at all.  At the _very least_
please specify for _all_ minor versions of the current major release number,
which are vulnerable to a given security concern even if a fix isn't supplied.
That way we can easily go roll our own replacements if necessary.

Otherwise Debian risks becoming an elitist hackers-only distro I fear.

"don't listen when you're told / about the best days in your life  : Spirit of
 a useless old expression, it means / passing time until you die." :  the West
  -- John Girash --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- --


From: Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP! How to get out when netscape 4.5 freezes?
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 21:02:37 -0700

Andreas Amann wrote:
> Alex Lam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ray wrote:
> >> The bottom line is that while Netscape is not as stable is it should be, it
> >> should NEVER lock up Linux and I've never seen it even take out X.  If it
> >> does then there is something VERY wrong.
> >>
> > That's why I am trying, and want to find out why. Everything else has
> > been running beautifully. Now I've turned off java.
> Maybe it is not only about java.
> The problem of "freezing" arises in my case, when a Netscape
> dialog box pops up while the Bookmarks menu is open at the
> same time. To reproduce the behavior do the following:
> Start netscape-4.08
> change preferences into "warn me before accepting a cookie"
> and "Accept all cookies" in the "Advanced" Category
> Open a site, that wishes to set a cookie and takes some time to load,
> for example should do.
> While the site is loading, single click the bookmarks folder to show
> the list of bookmarks. This list should still be visible after the
> left mouse button is released.
> Wait with the open bookmark list, until the dialog box "... do you
> wish to allow the cookie to be set" pops up.
> Click the "Accept" Button.
> Now the eventloop is almost locked. You cannot change the focus
> anymore. By pressing ESC you can make the dialog box disappear, but
> after that your possibilities are exhausted. The menu list is still
> open, and it does not close as it should when pressing ESC once
> more. Neither the mouse focus nor the desktop can be changed. Only
> alt-ctrl-f1 works (fortunately), and we can still kill the netscape
> process from another term.
> --
> Andreas Amann
> Institut für theoretische Physik
> TU Berlin
> Tel.: +49-30-314-27658

Wow!  Thanks for the detailed info. :)

Alex Lam.
***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***
Remove all the upper case Xs from my email address if reply by e mail.
*If you receive any spam from my domain name. It's forged.
I DO NOT  send spam e mail. But I've found out that my
domain has been forged many times.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Donovan Rebbechi)
Subject: Re: Linux Installation Questions
Date: 21 Jun 1999 03:46:09 GMT

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 03:19:22 GMT, Brian M. Begg wrote:
>June 20, 1999


>How does this work:  do I lose all my files I have
>saved in Windows 98 if I don't save everything to

You can nondestructively partition with a tool such as FIPS or partition
magic. Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 comes with a cut down partition magic
that can nondestructively resize your windows partition.

FIPS is free and you can use it with any distribution.

> Is Linux installed on TOP of Windows 98?

No. It is a seperate operating system that runs independently of
Windows 98.

>Can I access Windows 98 from the Linux mode?

You can access your windows 98 *FILES* when you boot into linux.

>Can I access my internet browser (Netscape) if
>I'm in Linux mode?  

You can run Netscape in linux. If you want to use your bookmarks file 
from windows, you need to copy the file into your linux installation.

> Can I get online from Linux?

yes, if you have a supported ethernet card or modem.

There's one thing you left out:


linux is no fun if your hardware is incompatible.
If you are not sure about your hardware compatibility, ask on the newsgroups.

COnsider using help groups such as comp.os.linux.setup for further support




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