Linux-Misc Digest #716, Volume #26                Fri, 5 Jan 01 16:13:03 EST

  joining two lines of text (Anthony Ewell)
  Partition overlapped (* Tong *)
  ide-tape problems (Bill Tangren)
  Re: Travan tape drive (Leonard Evens)
  Re: problem with linux as printserver for mac via netatalk ("Ingo Brand")
  Re: Xfree sux, in any form (Matt O'Toole)
  CDs play mono with SB16 and ALSA 0.5.10 -- OSS/Free fine (Kevin E Cosgrove)
  Kernel Panic since new mobo installation ("Fester")
  kenrle 2.4.0 causes problems with RAID ("Oliver Kowalke")
  2.4 finally made official (Glitch)
  Stupid question about mail in RH6.2 (Bo Berglund)
  Re: Linux 2.4 on RH7.0 ("Samuel Irlapati")
  Re: Very Strange (and Severe) Linux Crash ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: accton ("Steve Wolfe")
  Re: Partition overlapped (Anita Lewis)
  Modules in RH7 ("Maris Orbidans")


Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 12:12:36 -0800
From: Anthony Ewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: joining two lines of text


    I have a comma delimited text data base file I need to fix.  The
problem with it is that the (now defunct) software that did
the export put a carriage return right in the middle of one of the
fields.  So, I get two lines where I should only get one.  Also,
since the export chopped the entry in the middle, I can  not export
before and after and then fix it with a spread sheet!  What a pain!

   So I thought I'd ask if anyone knew if there was a sed or
other command that would let me join every other line together,
for example:



Many thanks,


From: * Tong * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Partition overlapped
Date: 05 Jan 2001 16:11:52 -0400


I used the partition-magic to partition my HD. Then installed RH6.2
in it. When I installed the RH, RH complained that my partitions are
overlapped. But I didn't have any problems up till now, when I was
trying to install the vmware. Vmware also complained that my
partitions are overlapped and what's worse, refused to make use of
the win98 partition. 

So I installed the gnu-parted and tried to resize and move around my
partitions a bit: 

- - - -
(parted) rm 6
(parted) mkpart logical ext2 8292 16346
(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0-19547.2 megabytes
Minor   Start     End    Type            Filesystem     Flags
1          0.0    502.0  primary         ext2           
2        502.0   2502.3  primary         ext2           
3       2502.3   8291.4  primary         FAT            boot
4       8291.4  19540.0  extended                       
6       8291.4  16347.4  logical                        
5      16347.4  19540.0  logical         FAT            boot
- - - -

I thought the "partitions overlapped" really means that I shouldn't
have those .xx (decimal) starting and ending points. So, as you can
see, I readjusted the 6th to "8292 16346". But what parted gave me
was still "8291.4  16347.4". 

So I'm totally lost here. Please somebody help me out. What is the 
"partitions overlapped" really mean? and how can I get out of this
trouble? (hopefully w/o losing my previous info in the partition).

Thanks a lot!!!

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)
  - All free contribution & collection & music from the heavens


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Tangren)
Date: 05 Jan 2001 20:18:54 GMT
Subject: ide-tape problems

I have 3 linux boxes. One has a scsi tape, which works beautifully. The other
two, however, have Seagate STT20000A ide tape drives. I can get neither of them
to work. If I type

> tar cvf /dev/ht0 /home

it lists a number of files, then I see

tar: /dev/ht0: Cannot write: Input/output error
tar: Error is not recoverable, exiting now.

The tape drive is never activated during this process. I suspect that the files
are going to some buffer or other, but when the buffer fills, the program

The tape drive is listed in my /proc directory under 


and under /proc/ide/ide1

After trying to access the tape drive, I get messages in /var/log/messages

kernel: ide-tape: hdd <-> ht0, 1000KBps, 6*54kB buffer, 5400 kB pipeline, 110ms
kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key = 4, asc = f0, ascq = 36
last message repeats 75 times

Also, none of the 'mt' commands work. 

Could someone please point me to the solution to this problem? I've run out of

Bill Tangren
U.S.Naval Observatory


From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Travan tape drive
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 13:49:24 -0600

John Orren Battle wrote:
> I am running Red Hat Kernel 2.2.12-20 and have installed an HP 4-8Gig
> Travan IDE Tape Drive for backup purposes.  I have a Windows-95 boot on
> the machine as well, and I am able to use the drive perfectly using the
> Windows App supplied by the manufacturer.  Under Linux, I set the
> environment variable TAPE=/dev/nht0 and also made a link from
> /dev/tape->/dev/nht0 and then tried to use mt to rewind and retension
> the tape successfully.  I was even able to write single files and small
> directories to it using the command tar -cvf /dev/tape * or by copying
> the file to /dev/tape.  However, when I attempt larger directories, it
> writes a few files and then gives me the message:    tar: Cannot write
> to /dev/tape  followed by tar: Error is not recoverable, exiting now.
> The files it writes are on the tape and can be copied back to the hard
> disk, but it seems to be overrunning a buffer or something and
> choaking.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  If anyone can suggest
> any appropriate experiments to get further information I will happily
> try them.  Thanks in advance.
> John Battle (N4OE)

I've been using the similar 2.5/5 GB tape drive for three years or
more, and it works fine.  I'be backed up a variety or directories
for a total of more than a gigabyte without problem.   I write
directly to the device rather than making a link.  Here is the
script I use

cd /
DIRS="./home ./etc ./boot ./root ./usr/local ./var"
/bin/tar --exclude cache --exclude opt --exclude magma -cvzlf $DRIVE

Notice I don't use /dev/nht0, but I have managed to write to that
device also.   The only problem I've had is that I have to use
mt -f /dev/nth0 eof
at the end of each archive in order to be able to access particular
archives with
mt -f /dev/nth0 fsf N
I have to take a value of N equal to twice the number of archives I
want to skip.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "Ingo Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: problem with linux as printserver for mac via netatalk
Date: 05 Jan 2001 21:20:06 +0200

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith) wrote:
>[Posted and mailed]
>In article <3a5584a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>       "Ingo Brand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> My problem:
>> I want to use a linuxbox as a printserver in a windows and mac-environment. 
>> printersetup is working without any problems from the linuxbox and from the 
>> windowsboxes. But if I want to print from the macs I get the following output 
>>  /var/log/messages:
>> Jan  4 20:46:58 linux papd[4002]: restart (1.4b2+asun2.1.3)
>> Jan  4 20:47:04 linux papd[4002]: register Laserwriter:LaserWriter@*
>> Jan  4 20:47:38 linux papd[4002]: child 4003 for "Laserwriter" from 65280.128
>> Jan  4 20:47:39 linux papd[4003]: read_ppd .ppd: No such file or directory
>This is almost certainly your problem. I suspect that the name of the
>PPD file doesn't match what you've specified.
>> netatalk-configuration:
>> /etc/atalk/papd.conf
>> Laserwriter:\
>>      pr=|/usr/bin/lpr -Premote:\
>>      pd=/etc/atalk/APLWMGS1.PPD
>Check that this file exists. If you're new to Linux, be aware that Linux
>treats its filesystems in a case-sensitive way, so aplwmgs1.ppd won't

I'm not new to Linux...

>You might also try renaming the file to be all-lowercase and
>changing the entry in papd.conf to match. It's rare, but occasionally a
>Linux program throws a fit if it expects a filename to have a lowercase
>name (or a lowercase extension) and it's uppercase, even if you specify
>it in the uppercase form. Finally, check that the PPD file's contents
>use Linux- or DOS-style end-of-line characters, not Mac-style. If the
>file uses Mac-style end-of-line characters, it won't work, although I
>don't recall if it'd produce the error message above.

The case is correct. But why does it print the job after restarting the 
Do you know any program that converts a mac-textfile to unix? The path of the 
file is correct, but it contains these big white M's as end-of-line characters 
and all characters are in one line. After using duconv the M's disappear but the 
file is still one (very long) line... I don't want to do that job manually... The 
file consists about 35000 (!!!) characters...

Ingo Brand
NewsGroups Suchen, lesen, schreiben mit


From: Matt O'Toole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xfree sux, in any form
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.unix.bsd.misc
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:23:20 GMT

John Peach wrote:

> In article <934o5s$bjp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  Jeffrey James Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> |>
> |>I've actually had better resolution on my monitor after tweaking
> |>XF86Config.
> |>You've probably just  got some settings wrong somewhere.
> I've ALWAYS managed to get better resolution with XFree. For some reason
> windoze always seems to think it knows the capabilities of the card and
> monitor better than I do......

Me too.  Windows always sets my monitor up at 60hz, though it's easily 
capable of running at over 80 hz.   XFree, by default, always runs my 
monitors much higher.  Of course, the beauty of XFree is that you can tweak 
it.  No such luck with Windows.

One thing I've noticed with recent versions of Windows is that the 
Microsoft-supplied drivers for monitors, printers, etc., really suck.  One 
can almost always do better by downloading a driver directly from the 

Matt O.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kevin E Cosgrove)
Subject: CDs play mono with SB16 and ALSA 0.5.10 -- OSS/Free fine
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:05:53 GMT

Does anyone have a SoundBlaster 16 card setup which correctly
plays music CDs?  By "correctly" I mean that both L/R
channels are active.

If so, what version of ALSA and kernel are you running?
Also, what is your ALSA setup?
What does 'alsactl -f example store' store into "example"
What does 'amixer gcontents' report?


Unless otherwise noted, the statements herein reflect my personal
opinions and not those of any organization with which I may be affiliated.


From: "Fester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel Panic since new mobo installation
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:29:43 GMT

Yesterday, my new motherboard (FICA 503+) and processor (AMD K6-2 500MHz)
arrived to compliment my new 20GB hard disk and 64MB DIMM. After fiddling
with it for upwards of 10 hours, the machine finally booted and detected
everything. HOWEVER. Linux will not load. After Lilo, I get:

Loding linux............
Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel.


Dentry hash table entries: 262144 (order 9, 2048k)
kmem_alloc: Bad slab magic (corrupt) (name=kmem_cache)
Kernel panic: vma_init: Cannot alloc vm_area_struct cache.
In swapper task - not synching


Now, this looks like some sort of memory error. So I removed my new DIMM
(and my new HD, just to be safe), and kept my old SIMMs (which this booted
fine with on the old mobo), and restarted. Same thing.

Even a tomsrtbt disk will not boot this machine! I get:

Loading bzImage............


Partition check:
 hda: hda1
 hdb: hdb1 hdb2 < hdb5 >
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 518
Kernel panic: Free list corrupted


Any ideas?

System is Redhat 7 with kernel 2.2.16-22.

-- Fester


From: "Oliver Kowalke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kenrle 2.4.0 causes problems with RAID
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 21:33:02 +0100


my system is a debian2.2r2 (i386) with software raid (level 0,1). I'm using
a 2.2.16 kernel (raid patches) - no problems. Today I compiled a 2.4.0
kernel with the same options. If I try to boot the kernel it fails:

on boot prompt:

fsck.ext2 : no such file on directory while trying to open /dev/md0 (null)
superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem

Why can kernel 2.2.16 mount the / (/dev/md0) and the 2.4.0 kernel doesn't?
cfdsik can read the partition tables of devices which build the raid system.

please help!



Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:36:33 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: 2.4 finally made official
It's about time.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bo Berglund)
Subject: Stupid question about mail in RH6.2
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:40:01 GMT

How do I send email from RH6.2?
I installed the server version so there is no graphical UI only a
command prompt.

When I type mail I only get a message that there are no messages for
But I want to SEND mail to test if it is working OK, how?

Bo Berglund


From: "Samuel Irlapati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux 2.4 on RH7.0
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 15:28:10 -0500

I have used 2.4.0 on RH6.2. I am not sure what RH or MDK mean by 2.4 ready.
But I suspect it may means that you do not have to figure out what modules
to load, they will be just be loaded at startup.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:934uos$pq6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi,
> People who are already using the new kernel on RH7.0, how is it? Is
> RH7.0 really 2.4 ready? Is it worth compiling or should I wait for the
> next official RH or Mandrake version?
> Thanks
> Wroot
> Sent via


From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Very Strange (and Severe) Linux Crash
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 13:34:01 -0700

> I can only assume that there is a bug in the disk driver in linux.  That
> when
> it has problems on one disk, it gets into an error state and starts
> corrupting
> all disks.

  I wouldn't be so hasty to assume a bug.  Were both of your drives on the
same controller?  If so, then as soon as one goes out, it can also prevent
the other drive from working, depending on how the manufacturers have worked
out their master/slave functions.  Some drives (like Western Digital) have
different settings for "master" verses "single".  So, if the slave goes out
completely, the master no longer works, either.  I could see something like
that causing the sort of damage you describe.

  Good luck in your restoring,



From: "Steve Wolfe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: accton
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 13:35:00 -0700

> In my linux redhat 6.2 kernel 2.2.17 at every shutdown a process fail with
> message: "accton: Funzione non implementata"
> Can someone tell me why it fail and how to fix this problem?

    Hmm... it sounds like something is trying to disable system accounting,
but the kernel doesn't have support for it.  If you look through your logs,
you may see similar messages at boot time.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Partition overlapped
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 20:51:37 GMT

On 05 Jan 2001 16:11:52 -0400, * Tong * wrote:
>I used the partition-magic to partition my HD. Then installed RH6.2
>in it. When I installed the RH, RH complained that my partitions are
>overlapped. But I didn't have any problems up till now, when I was
>trying to install the vmware. Vmware also complained that my
>partitions are overlapped and what's worse, refused to make use of
>the win98 partition. 
>So I installed the gnu-parted and tried to resize and move around my
>partitions a bit: 
>- - - -
>(parted) rm 6
>(parted) mkpart logical ext2 8292 16346
>(parted) print
>Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0-19547.2 megabytes
>Minor   Start     End    Type            Filesystem     Flags
>1          0.0    502.0  primary         ext2           
>2        502.0   2502.3  primary         ext2           
>3       2502.3   8291.4  primary         FAT            boot
>4       8291.4  19540.0  extended                       
>6       8291.4  16347.4  logical                        
>5      16347.4  19540.0  logical         FAT            boot
>- - - -
>I thought the "partitions overlapped" really means that I shouldn't
>have those .xx (decimal) starting and ending points. So, as you can
>see, I readjusted the 6th to "8292 16346". But what parted gave me
>was still "8291.4  16347.4". 
>So I'm totally lost here. Please somebody help me out. What is the 
>"partitions overlapped" really mean? and how can I get out of this
>trouble? (hopefully w/o losing my previous info in the partition).
>Thanks a lot!!!
Overlap means the ending cylinder of one partition is the same as the
beginning cylinder of the next.  Let's have a look at what fdisk sees.  Do 
fdisk -l /dev/hda >partition.table and see if the partitions overlap on

I've never used Partition Magic, but it seems to be a program you can use to
resize partitions even if they have data in them.  Could you make the
partitions a bit smaller?  Like reduce 1, 2, 3, and 6 by 10 MB or so.  That
would give you different ending cylinders and hopefully make them not
overlap.  I would first do the fdisk -l and print that file out in case you
have to go back in with fdisk and put those numbers back in after attempting
to resize them.  Like I said, I haven't done something like this, and I
don't know if Partition Magic does that sort of thing.  



From: "Maris Orbidans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Modules in RH7
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 22:19:55 +0200


Does anyone know how to configure which modules to load during startup of
Red Hat 7.0 ?

I didn't find /etc/rc.d/rc.modules  nor modules.conf  file.





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