Linux-Misc Digest #716, Volume #24                Mon, 5 Jun 00 11:13:04 EDT

  Re: How to Screen Capture? (Edwin Johnson)
  Re: Tux in ASCII ("Steven Thurgood (1X0S)")
  Re: Red Hat 6.2 and Old a.out Binaries (Villy Kruse)
  Re: Fetchmail problem (Robert J Carter)
  Re: GNU Emacs as Default Editor in Helix GNOME 1.2 (D. D. Brierton)
  Re: GNU Emacs as Default Editor in Helix GNOME 1.2 (D. D. Brierton)
  Re: ISDN + Linux = HiSax ???? ("Onnoj")
  Re: USB Zip under linux 6.0? (aflinsch)
  Re: Prepare multiple volumes archive in Linux (Hans Auer)
  Re: Telnet failed under Redhat 6.2 (David Kanter)
  Re: Make FAT32 visible in Linux? (Hans Auer)
  Re: What does "Unix-like" mean? (Zac Thompson)
  patch & diff (Kostis)
  Re: Slrn/Pico and long lines (Paul Martin)
  Re: RedHat on Sparc 20 (Jaanus Kivistik)
  root login remotely ("Chi Kwong")
  Afterstep Pager (Mig-O)
  problems mounting NTFS (Kaushik Kuila)
  Using multiple cd-writers simultaneously (mugu)
  US-MA: Concord - Embedded Engineers Needed (Crossbeam Systems)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Johnson)
Subject: Re: How to Screen Capture?
Date: 5 Jun 2000 13:16:09 GMT

xv, which should be in your distribution, will capture the whole screen or
you can capture frames or you can mark with the mouse cursor what you wish
to capture. It works well and you can save in a variety of formats.


On Mon, 5 Jun 2000 10:01:48 +0800, Kenny Leong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How to Screen Capture? I'm using RH6.1.
>Thank in advance!

~   Edwin Johnson ....... [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ~
~       ~
~                                         ~
~ "Once you have flown, you will walk the ~
~ earth with your eyes turned skyward,    ~
~ for there you have been, there you long ~
~ to return." -- da Vinci                 ~


From: "Steven Thurgood (1X0S)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Tux in ASCII
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 14:19:57 +0100

Dries van Oosten wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Jun 2000, Gabberatski wrote:
> > I am searching for an ASCII art of TUX, or something that's linux related
> I forgot where I say it, but there is one huge ascii drawing of TUX. If
> you look really closely, you'll see that the letters used, read the source
> code of some kernel version. Really cool.

you can order them from iirc.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Red Hat 6.2 and Old a.out Binaries
Date: 5 Jun 2000 13:35:06 GMT

On 5 Jun 2000 11:57:16 GMT, Bastian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On 5 Jun 2000 03:20:17 GMT, Jim wrote:
>>I just upgraded Red Hat 6.1 to 6.2, and lost the ability to execute ancient
>>a.out type binaries. The "6.2" a.out compatibility library package IS
>>installed, so that's not the problem. I may have lost the path to it
>>somewhere though. As I recall, I had the same problem for awhile with 6.1,
>>and finally found how to make the libraries available at run time. But I
>>can't locate the notes for that.
>>Does anyone recall the trick to this, making these libraries available, or
>>is this possibly some new problem?
>Make sure your kernel has enabled support for "a.out binaries". If the
>libs are where they are supposed to be, they don't have to be loaded
>or declared additionally.

Also, try insmod'ing the binfmt-aout.o module.  A recent kernel change
make the kernel request the modules using a different magic number from
what it used to be.

You can check the syslog if you have any failed request to load any
binfmt-xxxx module.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert J Carter)
Subject: Re: Fetchmail problem
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 13:38:48 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Graham Moseley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> poll mail.<my isp> proto pop3 user "<pop3 user name>" pass "pop3 passwd>"

poll <yourisp? with protocol POP3:
        user <pop3 user name> , with password <pop3 pass>,
         is <your local email address> here;
Robert J Carter at Oghma dot on dot ca
Use My initials to reach me via e-mail


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. D. Brierton)
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs as Default Editor in Helix GNOME 1.2
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 13:45:33 GMT

On 02 Jun 2000 19:45:40 -0400, john s jacobs anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "DD" == D D Brierton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   DD> The default editor is configured in GNOME by a drop-down list,
>   DD> and emacsclient is not listed as one of the options, and there
>   DD> is no obvious way to type in something like "emacsclient
>   DD> %f". I'd have thought that given that this current version of
>   DD> GNOME is really tight that the %f oughtn't to have to be
>   DD> manually specified.
> OMM, I can click in the text entry field, and type in what ever, in
> addition to using the drop down list. Setting the field to read
> 'gnuclient %f' causes a gnuclient to spawn and open the file when
> choosing 'Edit' from the pop-up menu in GMC.

Aha! So you can. Typing in "emacsclient %f" does indeed work. I wonder why these
aren't the default choices. On my setup, none of the default choices from the
drop down list box work.



D. D. Brierton, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. D. Brierton)
Subject: Re: GNU Emacs as Default Editor in Helix GNOME 1.2
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 13:45:35 GMT

On 03 Jun 2000 16:50:51 -0400, Wojciech Fraczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I installed gnuserver (from rpmfind). I added 
>  (load "gnuserv-compat")
>  (load "gnuserv")
>  (gnuserv-start)

I also downloaded the rpm of gnuserver, but when I tried to install it in warned
me of conflicts with the installed Xemacs. I don't actually use Xemacs, but I
didn't force the install just to be on the safe side. Did you find that this was
perfectly harmless? (Does Xemacs still work out of interest, just in case I ever
decide to change over?)

> to my ~/.emacs then I set in Control Center->Default editor to
> "gnuclient".

Did you set the Default Editor to "gnuclient" or to "gnuclient %f"?

> It works for me, still I'm not (yet) running Gnome 1.2.

I'd really recommend upgrading to 1.2. There's a big difference in usability.

> Also I set Mime Types for text/x-* to "gnome-edit %f" for Open and
> Edit.

Was there a way to set all the text/x-* mime types at once from the Control
Centre, or did you edit one of the .gnome config files to achieve that, or did
you jest set each mime-type individually?

Thanks for the help,


D. D. Brierton, Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh


Reply-To: "Onnoj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Onnoj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.dial-up,cz.comp.linux
Subject: Re: ISDN + Linux = HiSax ????
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 15:51:24 +0200

Hmmmm, maybe your right, and isn't 163 right.......
But it didn't gave me an error message, and I don't know what else I have to
What do they mean with TYPE ???
The Manafturer?
'BRI 16.3'

the full card name is:
the manufacturer is:

Also, I visited the site, but I only found (totally useless) Unix Drivers!!!

Thank you.

Michal Safranek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >modprox hisax type=163 io=120 irq=12
> >first I didn't know what I had to put at TYPE= , but I tried some things,
> >and becoz I have a Teles Bri 16.3(sux) adapter, I tried:
> >"Teles"
> >"ISA"
> >"16.3"
> >"163" --> that worked......
> eh? i'm pretty sure that the '163' is wrong ...
> >But what's next? I tried using Kisdn, but when I press the connect
> >it doesn't connect!
> >Does anybody recommend a ISDN linux program? I use RedHat....
> I'm using hand-edited config files ... but that isn't the right choice for
> is it?
> Wejn
> --
> Name : Michal Safranek <wayne(at)>
> Descr: admin, student, linuxfan, human being
> Motto: Linux is an operating system. Windows is a Nintendo with keyboard.


From: aflinsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB Zip under linux 6.0?
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 09:49:09 -0500

Derek Colley wrote:
> Chris Sparks wrote:
> > Has anyone managed to get an Iomega USB zip working under Linux 6.0 or
> > comparable OS?
> >
> > If so, I would greatly appreciate a pointer in the direction of the
> > necessary drivers and other stuff that may be required!
> >
> > Thank you...
> >
> > Feel free to email me.
> >
> > chris
> The Iomega is not the problem - your version of the Linux kernel doesn't
> support USB.
> Check out for more details.
Or wait a few weeks till the mandrake 7.1 release is out. They have
usb support for zip drives in it. I installed the 7.1beta version a
few weeks ago and it looked pretty good.


Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 15:59:57 +0100
From: Hans Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Prepare multiple volumes archive in Linux

Try it with "man tar".
Tar within linux can do all what you expect!!

Fung Wai Keung schrieb:

> Hi,
> Is there any application in Linux for automatically preparing multiple
> volume archive, like an arj clone in linux?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Regards,
> Wai Keung, Fung
> Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering,
> The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
> Shatin, N.T.,
> Hong Kong.
> Tel: (852)26098056      Fax: (852)26036002


From: David Kanter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Telnet failed under Redhat 6.2
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 14:05:32 GMT

Hi Tom,

I had the same problem and your instructions helped get telnet working
for me. Guess RH6.2 does not install inetd and in.telnetd by default.
Just wanted to say thanks,

Sent via
Before you buy.


Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 16:31:28 +0100
From: Hans Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Make FAT32 visible in Linux?

Hi you outside in the wide world!

Non-Harvard-Students use the /etc/fstab to mount theire devices!
They are nit trying to point to the bootloader of devices in lilo!

feng chen schrieb:

> Hi, There.
> I installed a Linux 2.2.5-15 and Windows 98
> on one computer. In the setup, I configured
> lilo to mount two FAT32 hard disk hda1 and
> hdc1 into /dosc and /dosd. But then I start
> Linux, I can see two direcroties /dosc and
> /dosd. But I can not see any files in them.
> Does anybody know how to make FAT32 filesystem
> visible to Linux?
> Thanks in advance.
> Feng Chen


From: Zac Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What does "Unix-like" mean?
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 10:39:43 -0400

"Andrew E. Schulman" wrote:
> Why is Linux often referred to as a "Unix-like" operating system, as
> opposed to just a flavor of Unix?  Is this some silly copyright problem?
> As a user, I find Linux to be a flavor of Unix, no more or less.

I have to jump in, because I haven't seen anyone else mention this. I
don't claim to be an expert on the distinctions mentioned.

A nice part of Linux distributions are the GNU tools -- in fact, these
are most of what give you your unix "flavor".  Linux itself, strictly
speaking, is a kernel.  Or so I'm told.  You may or may not be aware 
that GNU stands for "GNU's Not Unix".  Thus, to refer to Linux (or your 
favourite distro) as "Unix" would be incorrect and actually a little 
insulting to the GNU folks.  Worth keeping in mind.



From: Kostis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: patch & diff
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 14:35:15 GMT

Hi all.
I've been trying to work out how I can use patch and diff to keep two
directories synchronised but failing miserably.

Can someone please tell me how to perform the following "simple" task?

Say I have a directory /usr/local/src/Master containing lots of text
and binary files.

I do:
cp -R /usr/local/src/Master /usr/local/src/Slave

Now I make some changes in /usr/local/src/Master and I
want /usr/local/src/Slave to reflect them.

I tried:
diff -rP /usr/local/src/Master >/usr/local/src/patch4Slave

This works fine... (...i.e. it produces a reasonably looking patch file)

Now I try:
patch -p1 -f -d /usr/local/src/Slave < /usr/local/src/patch4Slave didn't work.

How do I now apply patch4Slave to the Slave?

Any help much appreciated.


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Martin)
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Slrn/Pico and long lines
Date: 05 Jun 2000 14:53:27 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Alan Ford wrote:
>On Sat, 03 Jun 2000 08:20:42 GMT, Phillip Deackes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Frequently when I try and post a news message using Slrn I get the
>>following message:
>>Your message is not acceptable for the following reason:
>>Line contains more than 80 characters.  You need to wrap it.
>>This message was generated while looking at line 6:
>>I have to manually delete whole sections of the offending header to get
>>Slrn to post the message.
>>Is there a way to set up Slrn to post the message intact?

>That sounds a bit odd -- when that happens to me, I am given an option
>to either Edit the posting or Force the posting with the long line.

>Secondly, it shouldn't be generated when looking at a header. Are you
>running a local newsserver, or something like slrnpull?

It works OK with slrnpull. HOWEVER, I wouldn't recommend ordinary pico
for newsreading, as it has a habit of splitting lines at its line
buffer size (255 chars, IIRC).

I'd suggest using jpico instead (a mode of joe). That also gets you the
ability to reflow quotes just by using CTRL-J, without disrupting the
quote markers.

Put in your .slrnrc file:

set editor_command "jpico -nobackups -wordwrap -rmargin 72 +%d %s"

at home, swap dash to dot to email.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jaanus Kivistik)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sun.hardware,comp.sys.sun.misc
Subject: Re: RedHat on Sparc 20
Date: 5 Jun 2000 16:55:21 GMT

In article <8hg5cj$efl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marcelo Rodrigues wrote:
>   I have a Sparc 20 that I've been trying to install RedHat 6.1 on
>but it dies at the point where you get to make a selection on what 
>type of installation you want ( Workstation , Server, etc. ) I've also
>not been able to install 6.0 on it.  I'm starting to believe that the
>problem lies in the fact that I have an SX frame buffer ( 8 MB VRAM)
>instead of some other more common frame buffer. Any one successful
>in installing RedHat on a machine with this frame buffer ?
Some year(s) ago I installed RH5.2 on a SS10SX without problems. Even X



From: "Chi Kwong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: root login remotely
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 16:00:16 +0100


I can only login to root via su at the mo. Can someone let me know what file
it is that enable root to login from the login prompt ?




Subject: Afterstep Pager
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 18:59:24 +0200

Hi, folks.

How do I get a  single 4x4-sized pager?
AS doesn't seem to respond to changes in the config.

    Daniel Migowski

please reply to my email-address too, thnx.


Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 11:04:02 -0400
From: Kaushik Kuila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problems mounting NTFS

I'm using Red Hat 6.2 and having difficulty in mounting an NTFS partition.
When I type in the command  
mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 /kdos  
I get the following error message: 
mount: fs type ntfs not supported by kernel

Does this mean that I'll need to recompile the kernel, or is there
something else I'm missing.



Subject: Using multiple cd-writers simultaneously
From: mugu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 08:03:47 -0700

hi all,

i have two cd writers on my linux box (mandrake 7.0) and i want
to use them simultaneoulsy, can get any help on how i can do
this ??

thanks !!

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From: Crossbeam Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US-MA: Concord - Embedded Engineers Needed
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 07:51:45 -0700

Crossbeam Systems designs, manufactures, and markets open,
carrier-class service systems that improves the financial
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Crossbeam's products co-exist seamlessly with traditional
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and enhance existing network infrastructure investments.
The foundation for the business model for Crossbeam is
Open, Carrier-class platforms for advanced service
deployment. Crossbeam has accomplished significant amounts
in understanding how mass market opportunities arise as
applications migrate into the Network and become services.

You will be developing in C/C++. You should have in-depth
experience with UNIX or Linux systems programming.
Previous experience with large WAN data communication
networks systems as well as understanding of
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software for high speed embedded systems. Good
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There are no junior or entry level positions available

For more information, please contact:

Carrie Lussier
Crossbeam Systems
978-287-4116 x7519

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