Linux-Misc Digest #716, Volume #21                Tue, 7 Sep 99 15:13:17 EDT

  Re: Current Linux Users (brian moore)
  Sun can't handle StarOffice (Steve Conley)
  need help with majordomo (Thorsten =?iso-8859-1?Q?L=FCck?=)
  Re: Suse 6.2 Hard Disk Installation Error, 'Can't Find Image !'? ("fooDude")
  Re: I've got a PCI Winmodem... (John Thompson)
  cdrecord/mkisofs (Turgut Durduran)
  Re: XGA w/ OS/2 and Linux on laptop (Peter Stein)
  Re: Experiences going from 2.2.5 -> 2.2.12 on RedHat 6 (Johan Kullstam)
  Re: EZ-BIOS and LILO (Cameron L. Spitzer)
  Re: mem change = kernel panic. (Jayan M)
  Re: Internet access with ASDL (Jayan M)
  Re: XAWTV and NO SOUND (Jayan M)
  Re: backup with tar to cdr (bd)
  Permissions Problem (Dennis Clevenger)
  Converting to ASCII (Tapio Riikonen)
  Re: cd-rw through parallel (Steve Gage)
  Re: A simple way to upload multiple files per ftp (Robin Smith)
  Re: News reader and email app? (Johan Kullstam)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (brian moore)
Subject: Re: Current Linux Users
Date: 7 Sep 1999 17:34:28 GMT

On Tue, 07 Sep 1999 09:44:12 -0600, 
 Kerry J. Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At the risk of starting a rather large thread, I have a few questions
> about the Linux user community.  Does anyone know what the current
> number of Linux users is?  I heard recently that there was something in
> the neighborhood of 10 million according to RedHat.  Anyone know where I
> can find firm figures on this?

You can't.  Due to the nature of Linux, the number of CD's sold may be
more or less than the number of installations.  There is no mandatory
registration for Linux, so it's effectively uncountable.  (We won't even
get into trying to count downloaded copies, or how several dozen
different vendors would get together to count things...)

> Also, any projections about the number of Linux users in the next few
> years?  This can be rather ballpark.  Anyone know of past estimates as
> to how many Linux users were there?  

Again, impossible to say.

It's possible to guess based upon things like the number of copies of a
given distribution sold (but with a lot of assumptions) or the traffic
of Usenet groups (again, with a lot of assumptions).

> Just trying to run some figures past my boss in support of getting Linux
> more prevalent in the office.

The argument shouldn't be "look, everyone else is doing it!"  It should
be "we can install a system or service cheaply and reliably with Linux."

The "everyone else is doing it" argument will just make a semi-clued
PHB say "oh, then lets use NT since Microsoft says even more people
are using that!"

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Conley)
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.sun.misc,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Sun can't handle StarOffice
Date: 7 Sep 1999 17:40:24 GMT

I realize this makes me sound like a total ingrate, and believe me, I'm
thrilled that Sun is giving away StarOffice for free, but--

Sun, you look like total idiots hyping your StarOffice giveaway and then
not having the server and/or network muscle to make good on it.  If your
Solaris boxen aren't up to the task then perhaps you should consider a
FreeBSD box like the one used at  Actually, even
Microsoft's frequently broken NT powered site appears to be more capable
of distributing software than your half-assed StarOffice distribution

(For those of you about to jump down my throat, I am fully aware that
Solaris can handle this task.  This is called, "goading".)

I think this would be a good time to reconsider your SCSL-ing of
StarOffice.  If you would really like the kind of distribution necessary
to make a dent in the MS Office market, then use an open source license.
Suddenly you will find mirror sites for StarOffice all over the world!
Suddenly I will be able to download the damn thing faster than 2 KB/s and
without having the connection drop after 45 minutes, even on my 128Kb ISDN

Alternately, I hear you and AOL are close these days.  Maybe you should
see if anyone is left at Netscape who can tell you about their
configuration.  They were able to distribute millions of copies of their
client (which is a large chunk of bloatware) and their servers (which are
even larger chunks of bloatware) over the internet without too much
trouble.  Maybe they can help you do it too!  Hire those Netscape
engineers quick, before they find more rewarding positions in the
travelling circuses of Outer Proctoslavia.

Either way, do something or resign yourselves to being all hype and no
follow-through.  Maybe I'll have to start lobbying SGI to buy Applix.

Steve Conley               I don't do Windows.


Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 16:14:02 +0200
From: Thorsten =?iso-8859-1?Q?L=FCck?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: need help with majordomo


I want to use majordomo on my linux-server running SuSE 6.1.

I used webmin to configure and add a mailing list.
The commands <lists>, <help> etc. work without problem.

But when sending a message to the list, I (say the list-owner) get the
following error message:

         Returned mail: exkursion99-list... aliasing/forwarding loop
         Tue, 7 Sep 1999 15:59:43 +0200
         Mail Delivery Subsystem

> Subject:
>          Returned mail: exkursion99-list... aliasing/forwarding loop broken
>     Date:
>          Tue, 7 Sep 1999 15:59:43 +0200
>    From:
>          Mail Delivery Subsystem
>      To:
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The original message was received at Tue, 7 Sep 1999 15:59:43 +0200
> from mdom@localhost
>    ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
> exkursion99-list
> :include:/var/lib/majordomo/lists/exkursion99
>     (expanded from: exkursion99-list)
>    ----- Transcript of session follows -----
> 550 :include:/var/lib/majordomo/lists/exkursion99... Cannot open 
> Group
> writable directory
> 554 exkursion99-list... aliasing/forwarding loop broken

Thanks for your help,


IfEN - Institut für Erdmessung und Navigation

  Thorsten Lueck
  Tel.:  +49 89 6004-3551
  Fax :  +49 89 6004-3019


From: "fooDude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Suse 6.2 Hard Disk Installation Error, 'Can't Find Image !'?
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 12:44:56 -0500

If you are installing from the HD, then the directory structure of the
folder you are installing from is more than likely corrupted or incorrect.
If you are installing it from CD, then you need to specifiy the /dev/hd*
that corresponds to your CD drive. More than likely, hda is not it. Usually
its a slave on the primary (hdb), a master on the secondary (hdc), or a
slaqve on the seconday (hdd). Good Luck!

Allix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:4TWA3.10709$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Using rawrite I created  a boot disk using the eide1 image and booted into
> the installation. Eventually I got to
> the part of the installation that asks me to locate where the files are.
> first asks for the hard disk which i put as /dev/hda1 and then the
> of suse , which i put as /suse (and have tried many variations and also
> other folders in /suse), but i always get the error :
> "can't find image !", Anyone know what this means ?


From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: I've got a PCI Winmodem...
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 10:36:47 -0600

David Mitchell wrote:

> I've just bought a V.90 Fax Modem from Microcomputer Research Inc.,
> which I specifically bought on the say-so of the sales bod, who assured
> me that it would work with linux.
> Have I inadvertently purchased a yellow citric fruit?

Hard to say.  I've found that many sales-droids aren't quite
sure what "linux" is and may assume that it is just some
obscure Windows comm program they've never heard of and will
assure you that their product will work with it so they can
make an easy sale.

If it's a PCI modem there's a very good chance that it will
not work with linux.  ISA may or may not.  Check the box
carefully.  If it says it requires Win9x and/or a
Pentium-class processor, it's probably a Winmodem. If it
says it works in DOS or OS/2 as well as Windows, then it
should probably work with linux also.  Plug-and-pray models
seem to be more troublesome than ones that can be jumpered
to configure.  Any external, serial modem should be fine.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Turgut Durduran)
Subject: cdrecord/mkisofs
Date: 7 Sep 1999 14:14:34 GMT

I am using cdrecord to write alot of CDs. many times filesystems from 
windows harddiscs. however, I know only how to get it to accept 32 letter 
names (rocksomething style) . how can I get it to accept the rest? 

I think mkisofs is the culprit behind this. it is smart enough to 
truncate then add little numbers to keep the files distinc. but then it 
becomes pain in the behind to actually use these files when I try to 
access them from the CD.

Specially makes it hard for"normal" users in windows to use them. because
the stupid thing recognises file formats by the extension. 

Any leads?


PS: I have to admit, last time I checked the web for this was 2-3 months 

PS2: my e-mail is below.



d u r d u r a n @
                  m a i l . s a s . u p e n n . e d u



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Stein)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.os2.misc,alt.comp.hardware,linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: XGA w/ OS/2 and Linux on laptop
Date: 7 Sep 1999 15:09:28 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Csaba Raduly  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Greetings!
>> I'm looking for a new laptop. It looks like I'm going back to Sager
>> (having somehow blown away my old trusty).
>> I see some video is designated as XGA.
>> Does this raise any problems for OS/2 or for Linux?
>> I note also that a couple run ATI Rage Pro 3D AGP. I have the impression
>> this isn't good for OS/2 and for Linux; right or wrong?
>My computer at work has a 3D Rage IIc video card. The drivers
>on the CD were passable, but I couldn't get more than 60 Hz 
>vertical refresh, which is awful. I finally got some newer drivers
>which are capable of 80+ Hz. GRADD may be even better.
>The SciTech drivers produced all kinds of wonderful 
>resolution/refresh combinations (up to 100 Hz :-)
>Your card has a similar name, which means that there may be
>absolutely nothing in common between them :-) . YMMV.
>From what I've heard ATI are definitely Linux-unfriendly.
>Not only they don't make drivers, they won't let others do it :-(

xfree86 3.3.5 has ATI Rage support. If this is unsatisfactory there is
the commercial Xinside ( server. I have no experience with
ATI drivers, but have been researching the issue as I'm contemplating
a laptop with the Rage Pro chipset (other chipsets such as NeoMagic are
even worse from an OS2/Linux perspective). I've seen some reports that
the GRADD drivers work, although slowly.

Peter Stein

>Version 3.1
>GCS/>GMU d- s:- a30 C++$ UL+ P+>+++ L++ E- W+ N++ o? K? w++>$ O++$ M-
>V- PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X++ R* tv++ b++ DI+++ D++ G- e+++ h-- r-- !y+
>Csaba Raduly,    Software Developer (OS/2),    Sophos Anti-Virus
>US Support +1 888 SOPHOS 9            UK Support +44 1235 559933
>Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Re: Experiences going from 2.2.5 -> 2.2.12 on RedHat 6
Date: 07 Sep 1999 13:15:58 -0400

John Murtari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Folks,
> We are getting ready to upgrade some multiprocessor Intel web servers
> configured with SCSI & NFS from 2.2.5 -> 2.2.12
> Has anyone had any surprises with this?  Any problems with system
> libraries?

i did this with my server.  i am using smp, scsi but not nfs.  on
redhat 6, i found that i needed to use scsi modules and initrd or
suffer horribly slow disk access (with aic7xxx built-in and no initrd
as measured by bonnie mostly it's in per/char).  other than that, it's
been very smooth.

i was using redhat 5.2 with massive upgrading and kernel 2.2.9 without
initrd or disk penalty.

please let me know how it goes so i can accumulate more data points on
this conundrum.

Johan Kullstam


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cameron L. Spitzer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: EZ-BIOS and LILO
Date: 7 Sep 1999 14:59:57 GMT

In article <7r2msl$3at$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Villy Kruse wrote:
>Cameron L. Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>One of the cases in the LILO mini-HOWTO described an install
>>without EZ-BIOS/OnTrack, on a drive with more than 1024 cylinders.
>>The key was to put the Microsoft product on the first 1023 cylinders,
>>and use the rest for Linux.  The Lilo-related files are in
>>C:\LINUX\LILO in the Microsoft partition.  /sbin/lilo complains about
>>the cylinder count, but it works anyway.
>Make that 1020 for Microsoft and 3 cylinders for the linux /boot partition.
>Then you won't have any lilo problems, provided, of course, that the kernel
>file is in the /boot file system instead of in the root file system.

The three cylinders for Lilo is a convenience, but not a neccessity.
If you're installing Microsoft on cylinders 1-1023,
the directory C:\LINUX\LILO is a workable place for bzImage, message, map,
chain.b, and boot.b.  The lilo installer and the LILO boot loader can
find things on an msdos or vfat partition.

If you mount C: as vfat, give the files 8+3 character uppercase names.



Crossposted-To: redhat.config
Subject: Re: mem change = kernel panic.
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:39:34 GMT

Chris Salin wrote:

> Whenever you change lilo.conf, you need to run lilo (just type it).  This

but he says he did it.. anyway, does your motherboard require some
special pattern for the memory to be filled in (like bank 1 should be
added only after bank 0 is filled) which you screwed up by pulling
the wrong one out.. Or is one of those cards come loose when
you pulled the 64MB out..?

Boot from a rescue disk and check if there was a syntax error
while you corrected the lilo.conf - a missing " perhaps - that might be
it - or will that do it?


> will update with what is in the config file.  If you can't even get to a
> prompt, boot up with your rescue disk, then make the change, run lilo,
> reboot.
> Chris Salin
> HellNo wrote:
> > Hi linux users!
> >
> > Well, I thought I was getting to grips with Linux until now.  I'm unning
> > RH5.2 (2.2.5) on a PII
> >
> > I had to downgrade the machine from 192 MB of RAM to 128 MB, so I hanged
> > the reference to the amount of mem in Lilo.conf to 128 MB, saved it and
> > ran lilo to validate the changes.  I shut the box down, rebooted and
> > this is what I get:
> >
> > ---cut---
> > Memory: 0K/0K available (0K kernel code, 0K
> > reserved, 0K data, 0K init) Unable to handle Kernel NULL pointer
> > dereference at virtual address 00000000
> >
> > ...
> >
> > Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
> > In swapper task - not syncing.
> > ---cut---
> >
> > If anyone has a clue on what I did wrong, let me know.  Adding the 64 MB
> > back is not a solution. ;)
> >
> > Thanks a lot
> > Ed.
> > PS: The kernel isn't new enough for me not to have to declare amounts of
> > RAM higher than 64 MB in lilo.conf
> >
> > --
> > HellNo
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ICQ:    21535717
> >
> > Sent via
> > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: Re: Internet access with ASDL
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:18:48 GMT

> <<snip>>

> every so often. When I complained about this, the rep said, "That
> shouldn't be a problem, though, because computers need to be rebooted
> every few days as well." I said,

ha! that's something new to this industry.. you know! that moron
probably never so a machine without Micros~1 Window~1 on it..

So this ADSL thingie is good, right?
I was also thinking about going for it.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,redhat.general
Subject: Re: XAWTV and NO SOUND
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 03:30:17 GMT

Is the audio out of your TV card connected to the line in
on your sound card? - I mean physically, a stereo sound
cable plugged in to audio out of the TV card and to Line in
of the sound card.. (no offense)

or am I missing a point here..


Ben Vince wrote:

> I'm using XAWTV and a WinView 601 TV capture card (with philips tuner) i am
> having trouble getting the sound to work in it. The picture is crystal
> clear and i have been able to tune my UK Cable box into it with no trouble.
> But it is a bit pointless without sound! My sound card is a AWE 64 (ISA)
> and it works with everything else in Linux Redhat 6 (including XWINDOWS of
> course!) but just not in XAWTV. This problem is really annoying me, please
> help.
> Regards,
> Ben Vince
> ps I have had some problems when the XAWTV application just doesn't work,
> do you recommend having to install it all again. It is saying that
> /dev/video is not there! I know it is and i've use insmod bttv.o card=0
> radio=1 funtion, but nothing, please could you help with this matter? Is it
> something to do with the .xawtv configuration file? or the bttv Makefile?
> Email me:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  thanks for all your help.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: backup with tar to cdr
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 17:36:16 GMT

Thanks for the info.  I did actually do a search on dejanews but didn't
see any references to backburner.

In article <7qvbb5$2ie$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 21:52:41 GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] <bd7777@my-> wrote:
> >
> >How can I use 'cdrecord' (or other utility) to compress tar a
> >to cdr?
> I just use tar xvzf to create a tarfile, then mkisofs to make a CD
> image, then cdrecord to copy it to the CD-R.  There's a program
> called "backburner" that people have said nice things about, but I
> haven't tried it.  See
> <>.
> You know, a one-minute Deja News search would have found that
> information without your posting.  What's ironic is that you're
> posting FROM
> --
> Carl Fink             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy."
>       -Martin Luther on Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dennis Clevenger)
Subject: Permissions Problem
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 15:12:45 GMT


I have a linux server colocated at an ISP and they set it up without using
groups.  Every user belongs to their own group.

I've run in to a problem in that I need to have permissions on
files/directories set to writable for some CGI's, but I can't figure out
how to not let any user on the system write to them.  So what I'm trying to
figure out is how to make directories viewable by nobody but not viewable by
any users/groups on the system.  Since everyone is part of their own group,
they call on the same permissions as nobody.  So if I make a directory on
the server rwx---rwx so that nobody can write to it, then any other user
on the server can write to it just as well.  Is there a way to fix this?

Please CC my email address above.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tapio Riikonen)
Subject: Converting to ASCII
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 18:21:05 GMT

I have large html and rtf files which I need to convert to ASCII. I
need to strip hyphenation, keep the line length to about 65 characters
per line using hard returns, and the paragraphs should be separated by
an empty line with no indentation.

What Linux tools/programs would you recommend for this arduous task
which should be made easy by computer automation?



From: Steve Gage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cd-rw through parallel
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 17:59:42 GMT

Jeb Bolding wrote:
> Anyone have any successful experiences burning CDs through the parallel
> port?
> I'm running out of the box RH 6.0 (kernel 2.2.5-15)  I did not monkey
> with recompiling the kernel, so I'm not sure about support for burning
> CDs.
> What kind of cd writers would anyone suggest (that are parallel of
> course).
> jeb

I was given an old HP 7200e, and it works great through the parallel
port using cdrecord.

- Steve


From: Robin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.servers.general,redhat.general
Subject: Re: A simple way to upload multiple files per ftp
Date: 07 Sep 1999 16:02:40 +0100

Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can somebody tell me a simple way to upload a filesystem tree with multiple 
> files. I have to do it periodically, so I wan't to do it with the help 
> of cron.
> ------------------  Posted via CNET Linux Help  ------------------

Can you tar it into one file and extract at the other end?


Crossposted-To: it.comp.linux,comp.databases,tw.bbs.comp.linux
Subject: VW and PosgreSQL
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 14:13:52 GMT

Does anybody know of a Visual Works Smalltalk connect for PosGreSQL?

I know under NT I can use the ODBC connect.  But I really want
a Linux connect using the direct call Interface.  Or maybe an NT
version using the dirrect call interface.

I don't care anything about Object Lens, I just want connect.

Chris Lopeman
Object Link

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: News reader and email app?
Date: 07 Sep 1999 13:38:09 -0400

Jack Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Could anyone recommend some good News reader and email app for
> Linux?

if you like emacs, try gnus!  it works on both mail and news.
i also recommend mutt and slrn for mail and news respectively.
(i used to use elm and tin but i find mutt and slrn to be superior.)

netscape is a passable news reader and mail reader.  as a mail tool
it's ok.  i feel news reading suffers somewhat from the very limited
scoring/killfile filtering.  however, netscape's excuse for an editor
is about the worst i've even seen.  it's easier to compose postings
using cat redirected into a file.

Johan Kullstam



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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