On 07/13/03 17:28, Joel Hammer wrote:

I do have pilot link. It can be made to work. But, I see no way to integrate
pilot-link with jpilot, unless this cryptic note is supposed to tell me how
to do it (from the jpilot documentation.)

     USB Palms (m series) and Sony Clies will work, but require
     pilot-link 0.10.1 or greater, which is still unreleased
     at the time of this writing.  J-Pilot will autodetect
     the newer version of pilot-link and build appropriately.

Does this mean:
1. Jpilot has to have a working installing of pilot-link when:
        a.jpilot runs,
        b. when jpilot builds
        c. both a & b ?

Sounds like b to me.

2. Do the debian provided packages build with pilot-link?

My understanding is that Debian doesn't release a single version of a package. But i wouldn't know if they built or not, i don't use Debian. And Debian is largely _not_ a build from source distro.

Well, it looks like the jpilot people expect I will install gcc, get the
sources of jpilot,  get the sources for pilot-link, build the latter,
somehow verify that pilot-link is "working" (What the heck does that
mean? ), then build jpilot, hoping that it will build properly with
pilot-link. All this for a guy trying hard to believe in the debian
package system and an EZ out of the box distro like lindows.

This is why i think Debian is alot of crap. Life is all roses as long as you take the binaries that they give you. As soon as their binaries don't meet your needs, you're just about high & dry. I don't want binaries from anyone, other than myself. I could stay with M$ if i wanted to take the binaries that someone else thought were built the way i needed them.

All this just to do something pathetically simple in windows.

Then use windows. Its not at all clear to me what your objective here is with these lengthy rants.

Who is Michael (of Lindows fame) trying to fool with his easy to use linux PR stuff. The best way to kill a bad product is with good advertising.

Perhaps if you understood their target audience, you'd see he's not trying to fool anyone. Lindows is _NOT_ marketed to businesses. Its being marketed to Joe Sixpack. Joe Sixpack doesn't own or use a PDA. Joe Sixpack prolly almost never uses an office suite. Joe Sixpack likes to surf the web, do email, and play some games. You don't sound like Joe Sixpack to me, yet you seem fiercely determined to use a product that wasn't designed for your usage patterns, and then complain how it fails to meet your needs. You got the dirt cheap computer. Why not load an OS, any OS, which meets your needs, rather than trying to force a square peg into a round hole??

Who are the jpilot people imagining their target audience to be? It can
only be one of people with nothing to do but fool with ridiculous minutiae
on their computers.

Anyone who is building software from source most likely enjoys 'fooling with ridiculous miniutiae on their computers'. See previous paragraph detailed info on where you're mislead.

It looks like my only chance is to use pilot-link as a stand
alone. Problem is, can I read my old data from jpilot with pilot-link. Who
knows? Who cares. I'll just type it in.

Just to show what a geek I am, I would go through all this hassle  just to
make it work. But, I know that next time I buy a PDA, I will likely go
through this same waste of time all over again.  I am through with this

Hopefully that means that you're through ranting too. Its growing tiresome reading your complaints about problems that are largely self inflicted wounds.

Sad but true, I will have to run windows just to sync my PDA. Geez. Maybe I can find a machine at work.

Good luck.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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