ronnie gauthier wrote:

I've had it with spam, RBL's bite. So what to do?
I have taken drastic measures. I wish others would follow suit. We could kill
spam in short order. How? I have got fed up with yahoo a while back and blocked
them. A while back I had a rash of spam from and mail them and
complained heavily, it stopped. Until this week. Now comcast is blocked.
When I say blocked I dont mean filtered I mean blocked from all my domains and
clients mail servers. FSCK to domains with a lax attitude about spam, let them
eat bounces.

Unfortunately it's not comcast that will eat the bounces. In order to get broadband service (DSL is not offered), I have to use (I don't know anything about, and since people are so friendly about bulk blocking of anything they don't like, I already have one user list that I can neither unsubscribe from nor post to, since all mail is bounced. users have no control. Fortunately, I'm not being blocked by any other group. It seems to me that spam filters would be a more friendly approach, rather than assuming that all users on the domain are spam.


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