On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:34:12 -0700 - Bill Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote the following
Re: Re: spam issues

>On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 06:15:17PM -0600, collins wrote:
>>Unfortunately it's not comcast that will eat the bounces.  In order to 
>>get broadband service (DSL is not offered), I have to use comcast.net (I 
>>don't know anything about comcast.com), and since people are so friendly 
>>about bulk blocking of anything they don't like, I already have one user 
>>list that I can neither unsubscribe from nor post to, since all mail is 
>>comcast.net users have no control.  Fortunately, I'm not being blocked 
>>by any other group.  It seems to me that spam filters would be a more 
>>friendly approach, rather than assuming that all users on the domain are 
No wonder I never saw your post.
Comcast is unable to maintain control of their system, abuse is rampant. An
email addy from comcast is getting more and more useless each day. 

>You might be surprised at who's blocking comcast, and not just with RBLs,
>but router level blocks on SMTP from and
>We're talking some major U.S. national broadband providers who've given up
>on trying to get comcast/attbi to deal with their issues.
>AOL recently started block connections from any server that doesn't have
>rDNS (Reverse Domain Name Service).  We've been doing that here for several
>months, and it has done wonders for the spam levels with few false
>positives.  This isn't blocking on rDNS that doesn't agree with the HELO
>announcement, only hosts with no rDNS.  It can be argued that anybody who's
>running a legitimate mail server should at least be able to get some type
>of rDNS working (and yes, I know of a local ISP here who's DSL netblocks
>come from uu.net, and uu.net can't/won't delegate the rDNS to the ISP).
>Folks on this list may well argue that this shouldn't apply to them, but
>for every cable/dsl use who has a clue, there are thousands who don't.  The
>clueless ones install Windows systems directly to their broadband
>connection with no firewall/router, giving access to all the insecure
>Microsoft stuff (but I repeat myself).
>INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Systems, Inc.
>UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
>FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
>URL: http://www.celestial.com/
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