Tony Rutkowski wrote:

> It is plainly preposterous to suggest that you need
> big bucks to hold an election.  This isn't a presidential
> election campaign or the United Nations.  All the parties
> that ever filed in the DOC proceedings, attended a meeting,
> or even zinged off a one liner on an EMail list doesn't
> reach more than a couple of thousand people.  Conducting
> this is a part-time job for a couple of people who could
> volunteered from a completely neutral organization.
Except if you want to put in some checking in order to make sure that people
don't vote multiple times under different E-Mail addresses, that the address
is not fake, and all other things that, if not done, will be blamed
afterwards on ICANN for not having been done.

Moreover, when it comes to voting, I would not assume that we have only the
couple of thousand people that participate even in a limited way in the
debate. The temptation to enroll few hundred identities to capture some
seats is a real threat.

BTW, thank you for reminding once again that the number of people involved
in the debate so far has been so small.


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