Geoff Pack wrote:
section == div (short for division, btw - its not semantically empty.)

Div doesn't have any semantics, it's a structural element only. Section, however, is semantic and will have a practical purpose, beyond being just another div-like element for styling. When used in conjunction with the heading elements, it provides a way to add structured headings to the document.


  <h1>First level heading</h1>
    <h1>Second level heading</h1>
      <h1>Third level heading</h1>

In HTML5, you will no longer need to worry about using the numbered headings (h1 to h6) in order, although you may do so for better compatibility with current browsers.

separator == hr

That's correct. XHTML2 renames this for reasons of semantic purity, not practicality.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I think we should all just stop worrying about improving html and just accept it as good enough for pretty much everything we need to do with it. It's done. If you want more semantics, use xml and xsl.

There are so many limitations with HTML, something really does need to be done with it. It's been 8 years since HTML4 came out and it's about time improvements were made.

Take a look at elements in HTML5 like <meter>, <progress>, <menu>, <datagrid>, <canvas>; plus all of the new form controls like dates and times, e-mail and URI, slider controls, combo boxes, etc. There is a lot more than just simple semantic elements like section being added.

Breton Slivka wrote:
We're just waiting for [XHTML 2.0] to stop being a moving target.

Actually, specs remain moving targets until they have proven to be interoperably implemented. Browsers don't wait for the spec to reach recommendation before they start implementing, they start implementing as soon as each feature is mature enough, then provide feedback, and then the spec gets updated accordingly.

However, in XHTML 2.0's case, the reason there aren't any implementations is because browser vendors aren't interested in implementing anything that is impossible to implement; they'd rather spend their time on something worthwhile, like HTML5.

Lachlan Hunt

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