On 2/8/07, Geoff Pack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> Div doesn't have any semantics, it's a structural element only.

And since when does structure not have meaning?

I don't have to read any dictionary or the spec to agree with you
Geoff. Structure in and of itself IS semantic to an extent. Structure
allows us to understand such concepts as beginning and ending,
internal organization, and compartmentalization.

I'm not up to speed on a lot of the proposed specifications, but I can
still see a use for both section and div that might be /slightly/ more
semantic than either alone...

<section id="sidebar">
   <div id="nav">
   <div id="login">
   <div id="sponsors">
           <li>Chuck Norris</li>
           <li>Jack Bauer</li>

This would tend to convey a page section (the side bar) that's been
divided into 3 smaller portions, hence the division tags. Obviously,
you could do all of this with just divisions, just sections, or
neither. Together, however, they might have a little more meaning than
alone. Is it a huge advance in semantics? I don't think so, but I
would eventually take advantage of it were it implemented and
Best regards,
Mike Wilson

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