Mike Wilson wrote:

<section id="sidebar">
   <div id="nav">
   <div id="login">
   <div id="sponsors">
           <li>Chuck Norris</li>
           <li>Jack Bauer</li>

This would tend to convey a page section (the side bar) that's been
divided into 3 smaller portions, hence the division tags. Obviously,
you could do all of this with just divisions, just sections, or
neither. Together, however, they might have a little more meaning than
alone. Is it a huge advance in semantics? I don't think so, but I
would eventually take advantage of it were it implemented and

Wouldn't it be nice if we could get browsers to interpret ^ (or something) as meaning 'div id=' (and something else for 'class='). Then we could have, xml style code, such as:

                blah blah

MUCH more readable, and encouraging for semantic coding/markup?



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