On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 03:49:00PM +0000, Designer wrote:
> Forgive my complete lack of knowledge here, but can you (or someone) 
> point me to details on where I can "just transform it into html 4.01 (or 
> xhtml)  in the browser"?

It basically boils down to:

1. Learn XSLT
2. Write a transformation for your markup into HTML
3. Serve your XML as application/xml and put a stylesheet directive in it

... but don't do that. Clients that support HTML (which include
GoogleBot) are far more common then clients that support XSLT (which
doesn't, last time I checked).
> It's a serious question - I'd love to code/markup in xml.

That could be reasonable. You could apply your XSLT via a publishing
tool / on your webserver and serve up regular HTML to the client.

David Dorward                                      http://dorward.me.uk

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