> message-id's -- anyone seen/done this?). Anyone played with/heard
> about putting mail itself in RDBMS? That way you could create virtual
> folders etc.

Pronto does this.  You can optionally put all emails and headers into
the database.  Mails can appear in multiple folders.

When you perform a search (freetext - cor) in Pronto it creates
a virtual folder which contains all your matching mails.

You have full perl regex to file/filter/trash mails.

You have full perl regex to score mails and deal with them as you wish.

> While I'm on this subject, how do people deal with searching email?
> Archival management? (And how that impacts searching?) I will write up a
> Web page on all this seeded on whatever comes out of this, if there
> isn't one already.

See above.  Archiving mail is as simple as mysqldump. 


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