On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 01:37:24PM +0200, Newton, Philip wrote:
> not). I was thinking of maybe installing a new perl of my own anyway (it's
> 5.7.2 or something like that at the moment), or perhaps I'll just use the
> system perl (which will be, what -- 5.6.1? 5.8.0? something else?)

I'd suggest that the system perl (/usr/bin/perl) be left to the mercy
of the distribution, and that multiple /usr/local/perl5.* installs are
probably going to scratch the widest selection of itches[1].

Of course then there's still the question of which perl to link
mod_perl against, if that's deemed desirable.

[1] I'll cough to a slight amount of bias since this is typically how
I run my machines.

Richard Clamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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