ok, to try and steer us back on track

[do we want to do this?]

yes people are using the box and are also annoyed at the downtime

[internal mounting]

great, then lets just bung the scsi inside, unless ventilation is a
problem (see below)

[buying a new pee cee]

a new PC may be close to no money, but not exactly no money, as
opposed to this SS10 that is no money, bar the usual beer tax

[solaris vs. debian]

lets not do this debate at all, linux admin experience is in the most
supply in this group, so lets just go with it and debian is the best
distro for non-pee cee architectures (bar YD on macs)

[ups + money]

lets see if we find a mug^H^H^H person of excellent taste to buy the
beast first and see how much cash we raise

[perl version]

stick with the stable debian version and lets set up some sort of
testing environment that we all can benefit with - please renaime this
thread to penderel - multiple perl versions, or some such


the person who installs the box can choose the new name, its their

[offers of scsi bits and bobs]

thank you all, but we probably dont need them yet - we dont use that
much FS so far


i have absolute confidence that dave can handle this with a little

[parallel running]

if state 51 dont object this sounds like an excellent idea


i don't know about this, i've never owned an SS series machine

Greg McCarroll                       

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