On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 02:56:02PM +0000, the hatter wrote:
> I'm actually vaguely surprised that we can't between us come up with a
> fairly nippy and nice peecee.

You're new here aincha :-)

> > lets not do this debate at all, linux admin experience is in the most
> > supply in this group, so lets just go with it and debian is the best
> > distro for non-pee cee architectures (bar YD on macs)
> I'll bow to your superior knowledge of linux on non-peecee thingies
> though, though given that you only need a small amount of sysadmins, I'm
> not convinced that there's much value in having more cooks waiting by the
> kitchen doors.

The value is in that these sysadmins aren't being paid.  Sometimes they
go on holiday without having the decency to hire - out of their own
pockets - a temporary replacement.  Sometimes they go out and get drunk
instead of slaving over a hot terminal.  Sometimes they just can't be
arsed and decide to play GTA3 instead.  Having a redundant array of
inexpensive sysadmins is a Good Thing.

Lord Protector David Cantrell     |     http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  The test of the goodness of a thing is its fitness for use.  If it fails
  on this first test, no amount of ornamentation or finish will make it
  any better, it will only make it more expensive, more foolish.
     -- Frank Pick, lecture to the Design and Industries Assoc, 1916

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