On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 04:41:15AM -0800, Paul Makepeace wrote:

> Quite honestly, I think you could be underestimating the hassle involved
> with a reinstall and copy-over onto a different architecture.

I've gone from Irix to Linux, from Deadrat to Deviant, with mostly no
problems.  Just takes a bit of time.  I like to have both boxes off the
public network whilst doing it, so that stuff like mail spools isn't
changing underneath me as I copy data from one to t'other.

> My suggestion -- if you really want to use a "new" machine -- would be
> to build a complete new machine, have both online simultaneously and
> transition services piecemeal. 

Yes, that's what I prefer to do.  I still like to take both boxes offline
for transferring certain services, like mail.  Doing the whole lot in one
go is doable but unpleasant.  It *requires* good documentation of the old
machine, to make sure all the right packages get installed on the new one.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

Us Germans take our humour very seriously
  -- German cultural attache talking to the Today Programme,
     about the German supposed lack of a sense of humour, 29 Aug 2001

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