On Fri Oct 18 11:43:29 2002, Simon Batistoni wrote:
> No, as I just ranted. Bloomsbury is lovely. Right up around King's
> Cross (the two or three streets immediately surrounding the station)
> it does get dodgy. You will see very ill-looking hookers and people
> dealing drugs openly.

OK.  "dodgy" isn't as bad as I thought.  The hookers and dealers
probably think I'm dodgy.

> I'm wondering which pubs you're thinking of round Russel
> Square. There's the Goose opposite the Brunswick Centre. Their
> upstairs room may be bookable, and their food's reasonable, although
> I'm not sure about their selection of booze.

That was the first one.  I'll call in tonight and make a list.

> Um. I can't think of any others round there,

There was an Irish pub across the street from the Goose...


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