On 18/10/02 11:29 +0100, Marty Pauley wrote:
> > It is approaching one of the less nice parts of central London, sufficient
> > for one london.pm member's wife to insist that he doesn't go there.
> What's wrong with that area?  Should I avoid it?
> Are there other parts of central London that I should maybe avoid?

No, as I just ranted. Bloomsbury is lovely. Right up around King's
Cross (the two or three streets immediately surrounding the station)
it does get dodgy. You will see very ill-looking hookers and people
dealing drugs openly.

Central London's basically pretty safe. 

> I'm staying 10 minutes walk away from the Calthorpe Arms, close to
> Russell Square tube station.
> I've noticed 2 safe-looking pubs very close to Russell Square: I'll
> check them out, but I've no idea what you all consider good features of
> a pub.

A decent selection of booze. Preferrably 2 or 3 decent bitters on tap,
where "decent" includes 6x, Landlord's, London Pride, Spitfire (and
most other Shepherd Neame beers), pretty much anything by Young's.

Some variety of food considered very good. Particularly if it's edible.

Disabled access.

Enough room for 30-50 perl mongers to lounge about drinking beer, and
talking about anything under the sun. A reasonable amount of floor
space is always good, as it allows people to circulate.

I'm wondering which pubs you're thinking of round Russel
Square. There's the Goose opposite the Brunswick Centre. Their
upstairs room may be bookable, and their food's reasonable, although
I'm not sure about their selection of booze.

The Friend at Hand (tucked behind Russel Square tube, next to the
Horse Hospital) is a horrid little pub.

Um. I can't think of any others round there,

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