* Randy J. Ray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Sounds great to me, though I confess to being an 
> infrequent drinker.

Even infrequent drinkers have fun with London.pm, err you might not like
to ask Casey about this as he may disagree.

> I'm pretty familiar with the 
> underground out there (spent two weeks in London a few years ago),

Ah, so you will be bringing a solid stick with you then to deal with
the dreaded Gapps on the underground and perhaps during the evening
you meet London.pm you can use your knowledge of the tube system to
participate in a game of Mornington Crescent, its a cross between the
travelling salesman problem and Go with one or two additional rules.
A classic british game, beloved by even the late queen mum, god bless
her, in fact it was her that introduced the rule of "Die stinkende Kuh
spielt in der Ecke", the naming was due to the obvious germanic


Greg McCarroll                         http://www.mccarroll.org.uk/~gem/
                                   jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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