On Tue, Nov 05, 2002 at 01:20:15AM +0000, David Cantrell wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 01:38:49PM +0000, Shevek wrote:
> > I do try to stay out of the opinion ring but this, in my opinion, is a 
> > steaming pile. Scaling mod_perl up to a few hundred hits a second isn't 
> > hard.
> Scaling perl CGIs up to a few hundred a second is merely hard, but not
> impossible.

Definitely on the "difficult" side of "hard" :-)

$ time perl -e '$a = `perl -le "print q[hello]"` for (1..200)'
real    0m1.068s
user    0m0.600s
sys     0m0.380s
$ host -t hinfo paulm.com
paulm.com               HINFO   "Intel-1.8GHz-P4" "Debian-GNU/Linux"

For fun,

$ time perl -e '$a = `perl -MCGI -le "print CGI->header, CGI->h1(q[hello])"` for 
real    0m10.329s
user    0m8.400s
sys     0m0.990s



Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"What is between a duck? A female grizzly and her cub."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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