On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 09:32, Peter Childs wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Jan 2003, Dan Scannell wrote:
> > Regarding bloatware, what do people actually mean when they refer to this,
> > is it the number of bundled applications that come with the WM/DM or the
> > actual memory footprint of the overall basic design.
>       In the case of Gnome and Kde I see it as being the time between 
> entering my password and seeing a usable desk top. Ok it might be doing 
> somthing useful but when I log in to WindowMaker or QVWM all you can do is 
> blink and your in. With KDE and Gnome you can quite happerly go and put 
> the kettle on and come back with a hot cup of tea and you might have a 
> usable desk to. (and this is on a standalone PC with a 350Mhz Chip and 
> plenty of ram!)

I agree, I'm running Gnome (standard with RH8.0) on an Athlon 1Ghz with
500MB Ram (single workstation, no LTSP) and it still takes forever to
load.  Does anyone know if Ximian Gnome is faster than "vanilla" gnome? 
Is anyone actually using Gnome/KDE in a significant LTSP implementation?


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