On 11 Aug 2003, Michael Dengler wrote:

> Thanks for the replies.
> Maybe I should let you know what I have already tried:
> I have gone through xdm-config with a fine toothed comb and made sure
> that all of the settings are correct (as per LTSP docs).
> I have removed and re-generated MIT-COOKIES...
> I have deleted all users .Xauthority files. Then I re-initialized them.
> I have tried to run "xhost +" to allow all hosts to connect to the
> server....but xhost errors out with 'can't open display ""'...so I make
> sure that $DISPLAY holds a value....export DISPLAY="host:0"....now the
> error is 'can't open display "host:0"'. I can't get xhost to do anything
> but error out. I have tried 10 or 15 different $DISPLAY values...no
> go....xhost does nothing.

xhost is not the problem.  it won't work, until you have a display
that is working properly.  In your case, you don't.

> I have made sure that xdm-config has 'DisplayManager.requestPort:   0'
> commented out. And 'DisplayManager*authorize:       false'

This for sure isn't the problem. if it were, you wouldn't even get
a login prompt.

> Disk space is not an issue...I have 20GB free.
> I have made sure that xdm is starting from inittab with:
> x:5:respawn:/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon

Again, this isn't the problem, or you wouldn't have a login prompt.

> I am about at the end of my rope with this! It was working PERFECTLY for
> 3 months until this past Friday....WTF??

What I would do at this point, is add some debugging lines to the
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file.

Something as simple as this:

      echo "Hello, made it to Xsession" >/tmp/xsession.out

Put that line way up near the top of the Xsession file.  Then, after
attempting to log in, and failing, go look at /tmp/xsession.out

If you have a /tmp/xsession.out file, you'll know that the Xsession
script is at least executing.  If not, then you'll know that you
need to figure out WHY it isn't executing.

This is part of my 'Divide and conquer' technique for solving
problems like this.

Keep splitting the problem in half, and determine what is working
and what is NOT working.  It will help you get to the root of
the problem much quicker.

If the /tmp/xsession.out file does exist, then add more debugging
lines to the Xsession script.  See if you can figure out
how far it is making it through the script.

If it calls any other scripts, do the same thing.  you will get
to the cause, and then be able to fix it.

Jim McQuillan

> Helllllp!!!!!!
> Mike
> On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 11:21, Michael Dengler wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I posted this last week and not a single reply...DOH....!
> > 
> > I have been banging my head against this one all weekend and am no
> > closer to a fix......grrrrrr....
> > 
> > Any help?......anyone....anyone??....
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> > ------Previous Post-------------------
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have been running LTSP on a server with 7 clients for about 3 months
> > with no problems.
> > 
> > Today a client machine booted, contacted the server, did start_ws
> > and.....The X screen comes up, then disappears, then comes up, then
> > disappears...in an endless cycle. So, I now try another client...same
> > thing...grrrrrr.
> > 
> > The xdm log says:
> > 
> > Xlib: connection to "mike.bowes.com:1.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> > Xlib: connection to "mike.bowes.com:1.0" refused by server
> > Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
> > xdm error (pid 4572): server open failed for mike.bowes.com:1, giving up
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Display mike.bowes.com:1 cannot be opened
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Display mike.bowes.com:1 is being disabled
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4663
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4677
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4691
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4705
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4719
> > xdm error (pid 4733): fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe)
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4748
> > xdm error (pid 4559): Unknown session exit code 2816 from process 4762
> > xdm error (pid 4776): fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe)
> > 
> > Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> > -----End Previous Post-----------------------
> > 
> > -- 
> > Michael Dengler
> > Programmer/Analyst
> > Bowes Publishers Limited
> > (519) 471-8320 ext. 248
> > Mon-Fri 10:00AM-6:00PM
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -------------------------------------------------------
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