Late to the party, sorry..

Nice piece. What a cool piece. What a really cool piece.

Cadence probably not by Dowland, so OK to write your own. Look at the 
wandering excursions in the Holmes mss. for examples.
Stylistcally eccentric, but, most recordings of ren music  do not 
display a thorough knowledge of  ren ornamentation.

The close miking (I'm guessing that's why it is soooo squeaky) makes 
it sound stranger than it is.

Synch issues--these are often codec issues with youtube. Sometimes 
it's milli, but sometimes just vanilli.
I have had many times to upload videos many time to get them in sych, 
add noise during the credits, etc.

Chris's comments about major/minor are both insightful and right on 
the mark, though a carefull examination of German prints and mss 
reveals that occasional minor is found contemporaneous, are almost 
contemporaneous, with French sources. Medial minor of course dates to 
Spinaccino.  The pervasive and persuasive appearance of signed minor 
cadences in good sources does seem to indicate a French origin, but 
it may be that the late renaissance sources may eventually yield more 
of a balance of German pieces, particularly in the tenorlieder rep., 
much of which is still unknown.

The ending is maybe out of place in Dowland, but to be fair not 
nearly as as strange
  as the worst of the Dowland sources, some of which leave out huge 
amounts of material. Some  16th c.copyists could not bear the end of 
Sempre Dowland; Sempre Dolens, so they changed it.
Probably the same folks that sawed the end off the Baffo harpsichord.

The harshness of the sound seems strange, but perhaps we cultivate a 
sweeter sound than is historical. The bridge squatters must have had 
a sound with a frisson of "eau de rommelpot". Character!

Lest I gain any credibility at all from the above ,
It is interesting to posit an alternative universe in which this 
performance was substituted for La Rossignol in the PBS series 
Elizabeth R in 1971. W00t!


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