Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Seak> Nowadays, fractions in mathematical expressions are becoming so
> Seak> common that it\'s conventional to use the same font size for
> Seak> fractions. As a result, I\'ve to set \"math-size displaystyle\"
> Seak> for every fraction, and it\'s becoming very tedious. Please
> Seak> consider of implementing a global setting (for the whole
> Seak> document) for this options, or even better, this is the default
> Seak> for fractions unless users want to use smaller fonts.
> Hmm, I do not see where this is conventionnal... This often leads to
> horrible typesetting. There is absolutely zero chance for this to
> become the default, as far as I am concerned.

     Yes, I could assure you that it's conventional (ie. it is a
convention / habit) to use same font size in fraction as well as in non
fraction.  In this fraction
x = --

the default behaviour of LyX (and LaTeX?) is to use smaller font for 'y'
and 'z', and an even smaller one for '2', but usually, 'x', 'y' and 'z'
should have the same size.

     You could check this by looking at any scientific books, reviews,
letter or articles.  If you like, here are some English references at my
disposition to persuade you:

*  Chemistry in Context 2nd edition; Hill & Holman; ELBS; 1983, ISBN 0 17
438359 2   (For ex, page 347)
*  Further Pure Mathematics; Bostock et al.; ELBS; 1987; ISBN 0 85950 519
(any page)
*  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics; Bransden et al.; Longman Scientific
& Technical; 1992; ISBN 0-582-44498-5  (any page)
*  A numerical library in C for Scientists and Engineers; Lau; CRC Press;
1995; ISBN 0-8493-7376-X (eg page 286)

And even in this old article dated in 1962:
Weinberg S., Eikonal Method in Magnetohydrodynamics, The Physical Review,
Vol 126, No 6 (1962), page 1899

And of course, it's the same in French books/articles.

> If you want that in a document add the following to your preamble (not
> tested):
> \usepackage{amsmath}
> \let\frac=\dfrac

     I suppose you mean in my .lyx file, right?  Well, I put these two
lines at the beginning of the file and before "\layout Standard" using a
text editor.  I then open it using LyX but I get this message:

LyX: Unknown token `\usepackage{amsmath}'. Inserting as text. [around
line 25 of file ~/doc/Parabole.lyx]
LyX: Unknown token `\let'. Inserting as text. [around line 25 of file
LyX: Unknown token `\frac='. Inserting as text. [around line 25 of file
LyX: Unknown token `\dfrac'. Inserting as text. [around line 26 of file



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