>>>>> "Seak" == Seak, Teng-Fong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Seak> o For the documents and notes that I'm writing, actually,
Seak> there're a lot of equations / formulae, but very few text :) and
Seak> they are all alone in their line, but it's just that I didn't
Seak> use the "math display" because I didn't see the necessity to put
Seak> them in the center of the page. In fact, I wrote a lot of
Seak> intermediate steps while solving equations, calculating
Seak> expressions, etc. "Math display" is good for showing _final
Seak> results_, but not for intermediate steps. For these, I'd prefer
Seak> them to be left-adjusted. Well, from what I've read from the
Seak> "Tutorial", maybe this isn't what you would expect from a user,
Seak> right?

First, note that the class option 'fleqn' (just add that to the
extra options field of Layout->Document). As for having equations
presented differently dependinh on whether they are intermediate or
not, I have never seen that done, but it is interesting... The
important thing here is that you should use displayed equations
because these are equations alone on a line. _Later_, you can worry
about how they look :) Inline math is designed to be inline, so it is
inherently smaller.

Seak> o And for the books: Indeed, complicated expressions are always
Seak> avoided as much as possible in the text line. When a fraction is
Seak> needed, if it as simple as 1/2 (not "slashed fraction", but an
Seak> upright fraction), smaller font is used. When the fraction is
Seak> quite complicated, a "slashed fraction" like (a + b)/(c + d) or
Seak> dx/dt is used instead. However, in some situations, the
Seak> interline space is increased to improve readability. Eg,
Seak> Turbulence in Fluids 2nd edition; Lesieur; Kluwer (1990), on top
Seak> of page 25.

So, if it is 'in some situations', using \displaystyle is acceptable.

Seak>      An another example can be an expression under radical like
Seak> the radical.lyx file that I attached. But please note that the
Seak> PS file made from this file shows that the interline space above
Seak> the radical is _decreased_ instead of being increased or
Seak> remaining the same! Strange, is this normal? If you don't see
Seak> the same thing as mine, maybe your latex system is different. I
Seak> could send you the exported PS (or DVI) file later if you need.

I do not see this effect... Can you send a PS file?

Seak>      By the way, fractions inside a matrix can't be changed to
Seak> use normal size (cf attached test.lyx). Whether in display mode
Seak> or not. This time I'm very sure that normal size should be used
Seak> for fractions inside matrix. Or did I do something wrong? Or I
Seak> miss something? Please tell me.

The problem is with LaTeX array environment (used for matrices). It
typesets its contents in inline style, which is maybe correct for a
matrix, but not for what you want to do. The package amsmath has
several clever types of arrays that would probably help a lot, but
unfortunately it is not supported yet in mathed (although preliminary
work has been made).

Seak>      Finally, few weeks ago I asked in the website's "feedback"
Seak> section how to "draw" tensor (ie like a vector but with double
Seak> arrow on top). Have you received this? If it's not available in
Seak> current version, will it be in the future?

I did not answer because I do not know the answer. Presumably amsmath
provides such a macro, and if it does, you should be able to use it
with LyX. However I do not know the specifics.


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