>>>>> "Seak" == Seak, Teng-Fong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Seak> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> First, note that the class option 'fleqn' (just add that to the
>> extra options field of Layout->Document).

Seak>      I can't find this 'fleqn' option in "Document" window. Do
Seak> you mean I've to add it to .lyxrc file? Or is it available only
Seak> in newer version? I'm still using 1.0.4.

In the document popup, you have something called 'Extra Options'. You
can put explicit options there, like 'fleqn'. Of course, this option
should be accessible from the popup, but somehow it got forgotten.

Seak>      Ok, I understand your point that inline math should use
Seak> smaller font. That's ok. But I'm still a bit annoyed because
Seak> these "situations" are very frequent in my notes/papers. Is it
Seak> possible to define a keyboard cut-short or an icon to replace
Seak> typing "\displaystyle ....". You know, it becomes very tiresome
Seak> to type all these "\displaystyle ...." for almost every line.

If you add to your lyxrc
\bind "M-m M-d" "math-insert displaystyle"
then the key sequence M-m M-d will do what you want. However,
displaystyle will be displayed in red (but invisible after you save
and reload the file %-|).

I agree that the handling of displaystyle is a bit strange currently.

Seak>      By the way, once this "\displaystyle ...." is typed in math
Seak> mode, it becomes a kind of "hidden information", that means we
Seak> can't see what else is defined in such math editor mode without
Seak> viewing dvi or postscript to realise it. See what I mean? It
Seak> would be nice if we could see these "hidden infos" somewhere. My
Seak> first idea is to put them in the status bar together with "Math
Seak> editor mode" when we click in the "mathbox".

Yes, this is needed (like the font info in normal text).

Seak>      Not being a Latex/Lyx expert, I don't see what you mean.
Seak> I've tried those AMS related document class: nothing work. I've
Seak> also tried to put \usepackage{amsmath} in latex preamble:
Seak> doesn't work either. Hope this will be supported in newer
Seak> version of lyx.

This is planned, but as always, you never know when things actually


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