> Seak>      Finally, few weeks ago I asked in the website's "feedback"
> Seak> section how to "draw" tensor (ie like a vector but with double
> Seak> arrow on top). Have you received this? If it's not available in
> Seak> current version, will it be in the future?
> I did not answer because I do not know the answer. Presumably amsmath
> provides such a macro, and if it does, you should be able to use it
> with LyX. However I do not know the specifics.

     My friend told me that in LaTeX, it's like this:


to put the double arrow on top of T.  But if the symbol is longer, like
T_0, the length of the arrow isn't increased, as shown by the example
file attached in this mail.  I don't know any "orthodox" way to write a
tensor, unfortunately.

     For the rest of the mail, I'll look at them later and answer you




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