Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> First, note that the class option 'fleqn' (just add that to the
> extra options field of Layout->Document).

     I can't find this 'fleqn' option in "Document" window.  Do you mean
I've to add it to .lyxrc file?  Or is it available only in newer
version?  I'm still using 1.0.4.

> As for having equations
> presented differently depending on whether they are intermediate or
> not, I have never seen that done, but it is interesting... The
> important thing here is that you should use displayed equations
> because these are equations alone on a line. _Later_, you can worry
> about how they look :) Inline math is designed to be inline, so it is
> inherently smaller.
> Seak> o And for the books: Indeed, complicated expressions are always
> [snipped]
> Seak> Turbulence in Fluids 2nd edition; Lesieur; Kluwer (1990), on top
> Seak> of page 25.
> So, if it is 'in some situations', using \displaystyle is acceptable.

     Ok, I understand your point that inline math should use smaller
font.  That's ok.  But I'm still a bit annoyed because these "situations"
are very frequent in my notes/papers.  Is it possible to define a
keyboard cut-short or an icon to replace typing "\displaystyle ....".
You know, it becomes very tiresome to type all these "\displaystyle ...."
for almost every line.

     By the way, once this "\displaystyle ...." is typed in math mode, it
becomes a kind of "hidden information", that means we can't see what else
is defined in such math editor mode without viewing dvi or postscript to
realise it.  See what I mean?  It would be nice if we could see these
"hidden infos" somewhere.  My first idea is to put them in the status bar
together with "Math editor mode" when we click in the "mathbox".

> Seak>      An another example can be an expression under radical like
> [snipped]
> Seak> could send you the exported PS (or DVI) file later if you need.
> I do not see this effect... Can you send a PS file?

     Sorry, forget about it.  The problem is only related to screen.
Actually, I view the output on the screen (cause I don't put a printer)
and at low zoom scale, this problem appears.  But at higher zoom, it
isn't there.

> Seak>      By the way, fractions inside a matrix can't be changed to
> Seak> use normal size (cf attached test.lyx). Whether in display mode
> Seak> or not. This time I'm very sure that normal size should be used
> Seak> for fractions inside matrix. Or did I do something wrong? Or I
> Seak> miss something? Please tell me.
> The problem is with LaTeX array environment (used for matrices). It
> typesets its contents in inline style, which is maybe correct for a
> matrix, but not for what you want to do. The package amsmath has
> several clever types of arrays that would probably help a lot, but
> unfortunately it is not supported yet in mathed (although preliminary
> work has been made).

     Not being a Latex/Lyx expert, I don't see what you mean.  I've tried
those AMS related document class: nothing work.  I've also tried to put
\usepackage{amsmath} in latex preamble: doesn't work either.  Hope this
will be supported in newer version of lyx.


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