Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> LyX put all these in the same size in a displayed equation (i.e. an
> equation which is alone on its line). For a text equation (inside a
> line of text), using fractions like you propose leads to an uneven
> spacing of lines and makes text difficult to read (the same holds for
> sum sub/superscripts).
> Seak> [snipped]
> I do not have those reference in out library, but do you mean that
> they use the same size of fractions _inside_ of text? And they manage
> to get a correct spacing?

     Ok, I finally see what you mean :-)

o     For the documents and notes that I'm writing, actually, there're a
lot of equations / formulae, but very few text :)  and they are all alone
in their line, but it's just that I didn't use the "math display" because
I didn't see the necessity to put them in the center of the page.  In
fact, I wrote a lot of intermediate steps while solving equations,
calculating expressions, etc.  "Math display" is good for showing _final
results_, but not for intermediate steps.  For these, I'd prefer them to
be left-adjusted.  Well, from what I've read from the "Tutorial", maybe
this isn't what you would expect from a user, right?

o     And for the books:  Indeed, complicated expressions are always
avoided as much as possible in the text line.  When a fraction is needed,
if it as simple as 1/2 (not "slashed fraction", but an upright fraction),
smaller font is used.  When the fraction is quite complicated, a "slashed
fraction" like (a + b)/(c + d) or dx/dt is used instead.  However, in
some situations, the interline space is increased to improve
readability.  Eg, Turbulence in Fluids 2nd edition; Lesieur; Kluwer
(1990), on top of page 25.

     An another example can be an expression under radical like the
radical.lyx file that I attached.  But please note that the PS file made
from this file shows that the interline space above the radical is
_decreased_ instead of being increased or remaining the same!  Strange,
is this normal?  If you don't see the same thing as mine, maybe your
latex system is different.  I could send you the exported PS (or DVI)
file later if you need.

     On the other hand, it's sure that lines won't be equally spaced, but
personally I don't mind this.

> Have a look at the example appended to see what I mean. In this case,
> the second paragraph is clearly not typeset correctly.

> [example here]
> #This file was created by <lasgoutt> Tue Nov 23 14:26:58 1999
> #LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
> [snipped]
> \the_end

     Oh yes, I see.  On my screen, I also see that in the first
paragraph, the interline space above the fraction is slighted increased
to adjust the superscript.  But either case, it's not a problem.  For the
second case, we could expect users to use slashed fraction.

     By the way, fractions inside a matrix can't be changed to use normal
size (cf attached test.lyx).  Whether in display mode or not.  This time
I'm very sure that normal size should be used for fractions inside
matrix.  Or did I do something wrong?  Or I miss something?  Please tell

     Finally, few weeks ago I asked in the website's "feedback" section
how to "draw" tensor (ie like a vector but with double arrow on top).
Have you received this?  If it's not available in current version, will
it be in the future?



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