Bo Peng wrote:
Second, even if you (or someone else) insist on this issue, we are talking
about diff friendly here, not svn. Svn doesn't really care if the file is
text or binary. FYI you can configure svn to use any helper application
besides diff. We could for example create a python script that would diff
two bundled files and provide a file with track change, or simply the text
diff of the text part of the .lyx file. Those are really no issue IMO.

My approach is 'svn diff' friendly in the sense that no extra work is
needed from users.

Your agument is amazingly similar to Richard's "A world's simplest
script can solve this". I will not argue here but I would remind you
that LyX is used by many users, many of whom do not know how to write
a script, or know such an advanced feature of svn. The KISS idea
should be applied mostly to them, not us.
What this really mean is that you didn't really understand Richard's argument. The svn helper script would of course be written and distributed by us, not by the casual user. For example svn knows how to call MSWord or OOffice to generate a track change enabled diff. That's what I propose, a python script that knows how to unbundle/unembed, that knows about lyx2lyx and also (ideally) about track change.

Sorry, but I think that's the only correct way to work (unbundling or
unembedding before putting in svn). I only see the bundled format as a
"portable" lyx for the SCM impaired ;-)

I would take that as you oppose the visible filename.lyxdir idea. I
remember you said that before though.
Yes, for the casual user I said that and still think so. But this also demonstrates that you didn't take enough attention to Richard's argumentation. One of the point was that this directory would be by default hidden in the temp directory. Only the advanced user will know that this .lyz file is really a zip archive and will then be able to work directly with it by unzipping it inline if he wants to.


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